Seventy One

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Upon opening my eyes I find myself presented with a most stunning sight... My sweet Rayne painted golden by the rays of the early morning sun as they stream in through our window, cradled so sweetly against me with his hair flowing about us like a magnificent vein of stolen starlight... He's so breathtaking... Even more so when I am awake enough to open my eyes a bit more and begin to notice the aftermath of our lovemaking on his body... The lovely imprints of my teeth and slight bruises in the shape of my mouth all over his flesh where I had not been able to resist giving him the fondest of lovebites and listen to him squeal so loudly when I found myself latched onto him...

He's so beautiful and precious to me that it feels as though the entire world has stopped so that I might be gifted the appropriate level of silence to watch my stunning wife sleep with all of his inhibitions washed away in the wake of both of us releasing such unrelenting passion onto one and other... Even now his cheeks seem so very flushed and full of last nights lust, his lips so shiny and plump that it almost looks as though he's coated them in honey just to tempt me with the draw of how much they appeal to me even while he slumbers... 

Still so pure even though last night I am sure I positively ruined him for any other man...And it had been beautiful...So... So... beautiful...

And it had left us both feeling so very much more attached to one and other... It had stunned us both into a fit of joyful weeping that neither of us could complain... The way we had clung to each other... The way it had felt to hold him so closely without reservation... I shall never stray from his side... And I shall never let a single stunning hair on his charming head to be harmed in any way... I feel so very protective of him... So very enraptured... 

My sweet Moon Beam...




I do not think I have ever had a more peaceful night's sleep... For when my eyes flutter open I find myself smiling and curling into the warmth that I know is my husband, his arms tightening their hold around me making me feel like the most cherished wife in the world... And I know that I am precious to him indeed... Just as he is to me... 

The first thoughts on my mind when I begin to clear the hazy fog of residual pleasure from behind my eyes are of how much I love him... Of how he means the very world to me, and that I know that he shall always care for me and take care of me... That I shall wake every morning to his gentle crooning and fall even deeper in love him with each passing day... 

And the thoughts are ever so successful in moving me completely to tears with how sweet they are and how safe I feel... How safe I felt last night giving myself to him... And my beautiful Emrys holds me all that much closer when he hears my sniffles break free of his chest. 

"Good morning, my Love... There were no nightmares last night it seems..." So stunning is Emrys's smile when I manage to raise my eyes and look up at him... So gentle is the way his eyes gaze into mine as though he can read the words written in such delicate script on my very soul with a single glance...Such calm he brings me... 

To think that I almost deprived us both of this chance... That I almost bowed out of the ball and sulked away back home where I could lick my wounds... I had almost walked away from him... But my parents had insisted that I stay... And even though many of my worst fears had come true... I had been beaten... I had been poisoned... And laughed at... And though it had hurt and caused me such great anguish... I would not go back and force my parents to allow me to go home... 

I can endure anything as long as my strong, beautiful husband is right by my side... As long as he stands by me... As long as he holds me just like he is now every time we find ourselves tangled up in bed and wishing for nothing more but to stay there all day... I shall never find myself wanting for happiness, and I shall find myself ready and willing to fearlessly face the world.




The eyes that belong to my sweet shard of starlight are always so stunning... Even more so now with the same dewy glow that they had taken on last night when he had cried my name one last time while reaching his release... And they enchant me to no end... 

"I've got nothing left to fear, Emrys... Nothing at all... Not with us married and you by my side..." He says the words so sweetly and softly that I almost don't hear them, but when they register with my ears I find myself lowering my face until my lips find his own so that I might taste some of the nectar that has come dripping from them... So delicious...

It is still early... And there should still be time before we find ourselves interrupted by maids or family members... And even then... We can always send them away long enough for us to finish...So I find myself deepening the twisting of our lips and get greeted by a honey-soaked moan that lets me know that my early-morning advances are certainly not unwelcomed, both of us sporting a morning stiffness and still filled with the passion for each other that had filled us last night...

If Rayne is to shudder so delicately every time I let my hands wander his body I think that making love is how I wish to celebrate every important moment and victory that we share... For I do not think there is any higher an honor than making him hiss my name with such a silken fondness... 

To feel the way he runs his fingers through my hair is so very intoxicating... And when we finally find ourselves pushing off of our sides I find that I am the one tumbling to his back, my stunning shard of starlight easing his way so that he might straddle me and then drape his body over mine... The bold tenderness of his actions are nearly maddening, and I find myself obeying as his fingers find a way to tug my head back so that he might sample my throat the way I had sampled his last night, a light chuckle sounding when he feels my member twitch underneath him, dew starting to greet me as I rut just in the slightest to try and build up just the tiniest bit of friction between us...

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