Sixty Two

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"Shhh..." I had been inquiring about when the two of us should rise and if we should join everyone else for the morning meal to help put everyone at ease, or if we should stay secreted away in here so that we might share a few more moments of peace privately... But my inquiry on the matter had been cut blessedly short with the pressing of Emrys's lips against mine, his shifting of us so that I might lay underneath him ever careful so that he does not injure my still sensitive back... And ever delightful in how cherished he's making me feel...

The way he seems to think that he might kiss the stress of the day away while hovering over me so carefully... The way he uses one of his forearms to help keep himself from pressing his full weight on me while his free hand caresses my cheek while holding me in place so that he might deepen the tasting of his wife, something he seems to be fully content enjoying despite the fact that later today we will be storming in on his father to demand his birthright. 




I know that there are more pressing issues than kissing my new bride, but one look upon his drowsy face as he smiled up at me so sweetly asking about the location of where we might break our fast and I found I simply could not help myself, my need to savor the taste of him pressing into the forefront of my mind so strongly that there was no stopping me unless Rayne himself objects...

Luckily he seems to enjoy receiving the early morning affection just as much I as enjoy giving it to him, my beautiful wife finding himself cheeky enough to nip at my bottom lip in a way that makes it very hard to remember that we have plans today that require us to actually leave this bed and join the rest of the world... I could lay here in this bed on top of him all day, and never grow tired of the way his warmth seems to reach out and greet my own... I shall never grow tired of the way my sweet Moon Beam flushes beyond belief when I pull away to stare down into his dazed golden eyes and see our entire future together already in the process of starting... Sure there are a few wrinkles in the story of our beginning... My father responsible for most of them...But that all ends today... As of last night my father's reign ended, it is only a matter of telling him.. And then telling the people... The citizens likely aware of the unrest that surrounds their new Queen, and from what we have all gathered from Cho's intelligence they have rallied on the right side of this awful situation, their support of Rayne resounding and reaching our ears every time we leave our chambers, the echos of the cheering still ringing out for him even now I am sure of it, the matter of hearing it as simple as stepping into the hall... 

"The stress is almost over, Moon Beam..." I cannot think of the words to express to Rayne how much I care for him... That from this moment on... He holds my heart completely in his hands, the half of it that I had tried to keep in my chest to avoid getting hurt if he chose to change his mind and flee from this place to avoid further danger now resting softly in his care, and I know he shall care for it well. 




There are no more discussions of my vision, both of us having already acknowledged that the slight blurring I experience will likely be my new normal and that both of us can live with that as it provides the perfect excuse for Emrys to never leave my side... Both of us can live with that due to the fact that while my vision is not what it used to be I am still able to look above me into the eyes of the man whom I know will spend the rest of our lives loving and protecting me to the best of his ability... And I'll be loving and caring for him just as much... 

The two of us were meant to be together and we shall never spend another day apart. And after we take care of today we will never have to. The thought that displacing his father might cause a violent outburst from the man who has not had any right to call himself any kind of proper King in such a very long time does not settle well in my stomach... But I am able to soothe the tension away with the very sweet promise that had come from my sweet King last night that after the fuss of everything... That he would take me to fulfill my daydream of sitting in one of the rose gardens here, a picnic something simple enough for us to ask for during the celebration sure to ensue in the moments after the dethroning of Xiang so that we might have our own private celebration and start our rule off with a peaceful tone filled with as much love for each other as the two of us can muster. 

At first, I had been worried that the rose gardens would all set off the traumatic memories of our first night together, but I have a feeling that as long as we avoid the southernmost garden where everything happened that I shall still be able to find joy in my heart over the last of the delicate blooms sure to thrill my eyes now that I will be able to see them with the slightest bit of clarity... Especially while my husband is so good to me and thoughtful over keeping his promise to always stay by my side... For when the wind carries the scent of the roses into our bed-chamber I find that they blend with his scent in a way that makes my heart swoon... Especially when he feels the need to stare at me just as he is now... As if I am the most cherished person in his life... And I hope he knows that he is mine. 

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