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"Good morning, Emrys" The Gods themselves could not snatch the smile from my face as my sweet Rayne curls into me with his gentle greeting, his own smile pressed carefully against my shoulder as he continues, "Good morning, family... I have been found!"

I do not think I've ever felt more special than I do right at this moment, my beautiful fiancee uttering one more happy cry before settling down, one of his tender hands rubbing its way back and forth across my chest, his beautiful and still bruised face hidden from view, a flush creeping up from his belly only to crawl up his tender bruised chest, his cheeks most likely flushed beyond belief even though he isn't permitting me to see them at the moment. 

If I had had any questions on whether or not Rayne actually is as sweet-tempered and gentle as I thought him to be they got put to bed the moment I had recognized the words that made up his jubilant serenade... He had gotten so excited just realizing that he himself is the one that caught my attention... So endearingly sweet in his celebration that he couldn't keep it to himself, he had needed to wake us all so that we might celebrate with him despite his body still being so battered and broken, "Good morning, My Sweet Moon Beam... How do you feel?" Surely he must still be exhausted and pained, so many of his injuries still so prominent as his body takes its time healing itself.




"I-I do not feel well physically... But my heart feels uplifted to know that you kept me Emrys..." I decide honesty is the best policy, no matter how hot my cheeks become once I realize that we are no longer alone in the room, my celebration having woken up Mama, Papa, and the girls, their sudden arrival unexpected, my mind still confused as to why they are here instead of the rooms that had been assigned to us upon our arrival yesterday. The fact that they have joined us still dazed and with sleep in their eyes means nothing, only that I am that much safer than I was before they walked in, the added measure of having Papa in the room to make sure that we are safer than safe like he always does only allowing me to relax that much more, my Prince's hold on me ever so sure of himself as I feel him dip his face to my hair in order to kiss my forehead, the affection bringing a smile to my face. 

It's true... I do not feel well physically despite feeling so joyous on the inside... I actually feel rather stiff, my muscles screaming in protest every time I move with the effort it takes to animate the beaten flesh... But my heart feels as though it's soaring through the skies at the moment with how elated I am to feel how protective Emrys feels wrapped around me... To feel the affection that already seems to drip from his every pore, his arms lifting me temporarily so that he might situate me more comfortably across his thighs, his chest rising in temperature as he urges me to paint myself onto his bare skin, the warmth working wonders on the aching underneath all of my bruises. 

"We shall call for Kanaye in a moment, he mentioned that a smaller dose of the sedative would help you keep you comfortable throughout the day, the extra rest will help you heal..."

"I do not want a sedative, Emrys", no, no I do not want one at all if it is going to leech from me my consciousness and the good memories of spending our first day together that I desperately need in order to wipe clean my kind of last night, " I want to stay awake and with you my Prince..." I want to spend the day with you and forget last night ever happened. 

I was new memories with which I can drown out the memories of last night with. Never again do I want to have to spend a day afraid to even blink for fear that the terrible memories that are sure to try and cling to my mind late at night when everything is calm and there are no distractions... I want to be able to focus on all of the promises my fiance has made me, one of which last night had been that when I woke, "Instead c-can we break our fast together?




I had promised my sparkling little star that upon waking we could send for whatever food strikes his fancy, his stomach never having had the chance to be filled last night, something that I had intended to fix before letting the two of us lay down together, but things had turned out very differently than we had planned, but, "Of course we can send down for the morning meal, Moon Beam...Just let me know what you would like us to call for...Though I am afraid I must insist that you inform me the moment you start to feel too uncomfortable. Maybe we could call for the sedative as well and just set it aside until you need it?"

I am glad that he thinks he's well enough to try and spend the day with me, but the only kind of day in store for the two of us is resting in this bed so he can heal, soft touches and gentle whispers waiting for the moment his family leaves, my back dying for us to switch positions and lay down now that there is no chance of accidentally rousing him from the sleep he so desperately needs.  

"I-Is that what you shall call me? I am your Moon Beam, my Darling?" The tears come from nowhere, starting at the drop of a pin, his hold on me becoming slightly desperate as he searches for something to hold on to, his arms winding themselves around my waist so that he might claw at my back in his effort to cling, something that if he is not careful will create issues of a different kind that would not be appropriate to try and solve in front of his family, "Oh, Emrys- to think you truly think of me that way!"

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