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"How are you feeling, my sweet shard of starlight?" My sweet husband had asked but for nothing from the others before they left expect for sweetened wine and water to be brought up to us, tea deemed by everyone too plain for our secret occasion, my kind Papa having thought to bring back with him more than wine and water... But a small collection of that could be called a light meal for the two of us to share while my back heals, the blistering pattern pulling and tugging on the healthy skin surrounding it in a way that makes me feel beautiful in a way that I have never felt beautiful before... It feels as though it is bigger than most ordinary brands... and my Papa has assured me that it is fit for a Queen, the scar going to be a stunning reminder to us all of the restraint, control, and love my husband is capable of... Though at the moment I have no way to be sure that he has not simply written his name down my back like he had jested this morning that he might if he could not decide on a true design. 

I have to pause to roll the berry he has slipped into my mouth into my cheek so that I might whisper back to him as the soft sound of everyone finally leaving greets our ears as the soundtrack that guides us into true adulthood together... Where they go after this completely up to their discretion now that the deed is done with nothing anyone can do about it,  "Loved... Cherished... Like a... Like your Queen..." A Queen who's crown is still locked away in King Xiang's room, but a Queen none the less, our titles inherited the moment our bond had been sealed through the kissing of my husband's flame upon the flawless asking of my back... I cannot say that I would have noticed any change about myself if I had not received something that no one else would ever be able to duplicate... And it is not the scar on my back... But the love of my husband, his care for me extending past charming me into a hasty marriage... Today was about more than just binding ourselves together physically... It was as if his fire carried with it all of his emotion... All of the tender feelings he has fostered for me expressing themselves in the way his flame licked my skin, the carefulness of the motion one that had made my heart swoon itself to tears until I found myself cradled so safely against him with soft assurances of our emotional bond being pushed into my hair and onto my cheeks presenting themselves as kisses. 

I dare so no one else has ever felt as loved as me... Except maybe for India, and even then I only consider him a candidate because he has two husbands... Not that I think either one of them could ever hold a candle to Emmy... Not with how gently he holds me even now, his body the one doing the work of feeding us and bringing the wine up to my lips so that I might join him in celebrating our oneness, our intimate toast being one he had made to our health and happiness to be witnessed by no one but the two of us, our smiles matching as we had brought our shared chalice to each of our lips before letting our lips find each other, no longer bound by rules of appropriateness allowing ourselves to linger and tasting more of one and other than the wine itself... Not that anyone here is complaining...




Hearing my sweet Moon Beam answer that way... To know that he does indeed feel cherished and loved because he is...Makes my very heart soar, my guard, having been let down with the assurance that not only are our stationed guard all on call this evening so that we might relax with each other without fear of anyone intruding on our wedding night... But also that the Cloud family is currently rehoming themselves in our outer chambers more permanently, their own added layers of thoughtfulness and protection one that allows us to accept the fact that at the moment we are well cared for... The ears of the others listening for nothing more than possible intrusion and not on our first conversations and activities as a married couple. 

"W-What about you, Emmy? Are you happy?" His question is cut short, but I can almost hear the very words he does not have the courage to muster as he timidly tucks himself more completely into the crook of my shoulder after he finally swallows the berry I had slipped past his still rouged lips... 

He should already know my love for him knows no bounds, and that my beast has been unable to contain its joy, the heat pent up in our shared belly that I am refusing to let rise to the surface coming out in the form of growls and chirps that seem to only make us both laugh every time they reach our ears, "I am the most joyful man to have ever lived... And I daresay our reign shall be recorded in history as such... That I was the happiest King and you...The most beautifully kind Queen the realm has ever seen... And what a pair we shall be!"

"With your name scrawled across my back?" For a moment I almost do not detect my delicate Moon Beam's sense of humor that only ever seems to make an appearance when the two of us are feeling close to one another... But when I feel his lips pull into a smirk against my skin I know that he knows I would have never marked him in such a crude and simple way, though the jokes that had left us both in tears earlier today had been funny to say the least... He had been so curious as to what I would truly engrave into his skin... Though I have not the words to tell him the amount of love that has been poured into the image... Because he already knows...

"Yes! Exactly! The most beautifully kind Queen who was known to walk around half-robed to display his husband's beautiful name on his back... Written in shorthand."

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