"And who says there is something wrong with that?" I say, climbing behind him and resting my arms around his neck. He takes one knuckle and kisses it in haste.

"I wish we could kill him now"

"We cannot Donatello. Soon but not yet. We must plan a coup." He nodded in ageeemnt.
"But as for now? We loathe him in silence. And plan."

He smirked hearing my declaration before kissing my lips once more. We smacked together carelessly before the passing conversations of the people from beyond the door snapped us back to reality.

" Oh! I have to introduce you to Oslo!" I clapped excitedly.


"He is an advisor to the emperor and he knows of the plan."

"I think I met him once or twice in passing? He frequents the library" he bemuses before looking to the pile of dirty laundry on the floor. "And have you told Lizabeth about us? About me knowing of your plan?" He asked already predicting my hesitancy to inform her. My lack of speech was his answer.


"What! I will tell her ...in due time. I couldn't tell her this morning because Donatello came...and it's just...well, it's just that she made me promise I wouldn't tell a soul and I've already told 2 people."

"She will hate me." He curses, gently rising from the bed.

"No... Lizabeth speaks her mind and doesn't take a liking to a lot of people but I feel as if she likes you?"
I assured and walked over to him, kissing his chest with care. He grabbed my jaw, forcing me to stare into his eyes. "Well, even if Lizabeth hates me, I know she can never be too mad at you"

"Thank you. I needed to hear that before I go see her" I whisper. He simply nods and kisses my forehead.

"So, what are the emperor's plans today?" he cheeses, walking over to his side of the room to find his clothes.

"The usual. Drinking, fucking and feasts."

"Sounds like fun!" Donatello's sarcasm was as mastered as his paintings.

"Meet me in the library then? I need to research some books on how to initiate a coupe."

"Okay Empress Calla of Genovia" he teased.

"I like the sound of that." I sigh, fantasizing about a reign without Leo.

"Don't forget me when you rise to power." Donatello mutters, pulling a cotton blouse over his body.

"How can I forget you... Don... umm." I teased pretending to forget his name. He pulled me into his arms and grabbed my jaw to tease me. "What is my name?" He demands just below a tantalizing whisper. I certainly liked this dominating side of him.

"It escapes me at the moment stranger but in due time I will remember" I giggle, allowing him to kiss me before pushing me out to leave.

"I must go before Leo has a fit." I shrugged, taking a small applefrom his bowl of fruit that rested above his metal chest.

"Ah! Hopefully it's not one of his legendary ones. I wouldn't miss it for the world" he shrugged.

I break away from him and rummage through his things. I was curious to see it there was something I could put on to wear besides my elegant dresses and corsets. I turn back to him and see his eyes glued onto mine.
Why was he watching me like it was the last time he would see me?

"What?" I smile.

"Nothing...you just look so ..." his words falter.

"So what?" I blush, insecure by his prolonged gaze.

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