Sabrina & William

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The car is warm so I don't feel as bad that William is shirtless. "Do you mind if I stay at yours the night?" The car ride feels like its about to end when we turn two streets away from mine.  "Your parents won't mind?" his brown curls moves off his forehead slightly with his arm leaning against the open window. "No they wont; I told them I'm out" I partly lie. "With the girls" He gives me a small smile. Mother wouldn't mind; Father would go on a hunt but with Mother there I know he'll wont. "I know when you lie, beautiful"  He moves his eyebrows in different directions, one up and the other down as he does a round about turn. "My Grandma; I just can't be there at the moment" He nods his head and puts his window up as it starts to rain hard. "I understand; it's not easy to say goodbye to a loved one" He touches my hand that is resting on my lap; giving it a light squeeze and then back on the wheel.  I didn't get to say goodbye to my grandma, the last conversation I had with her was in the hospital the rest was  singing and dancing to the Beetle songs.  At least I had a good memory of her, our last moments and those moments will stay with me forever.   I daze out into a day dream looking at the raindrops hitting the dash of the car, it felt like about five minutes until William breaks the charm into reality. My right hand feels warm through the drive as William crease my hand and kisses the palm as he gets out of the car in front of his golden mansion.   William opens my door from the other side as a man in uniform that I've seen once before grabs my pile of wet clothes. "Take it to my room Peter" Williams eye are  still on me stepping out of the car. My bare foot touches the smooth cold ground. Peter hesitates for a few seconds; water drips out onto his shiny black shoes and the tear of my  top from my wings slide through his right arm. "Thank you" William says with a polite smile that turns into a smirk once Peter turns to walk to the doors and opens them for us. The embarrassment was there for sure; in my gut flipping around but it wasn't so bad; I've experienced much worse.  "I'm sorry about tonight, if you want we don't have to go hunting" This wasn't a question, it was more like a statement but if this is what there, or now our pack dose we should not change it. "No its okay, I'd expect they're be hunting involved "  We enter through the kitchen doors, where the kitchen is in a V shape, beautiful white marbles with Gold flecks through everything. " I'm not just"  William slides his arms around my hips as I sigh the pressure out of my lungs. "I know, it's a big change I'm sorry for what its worth" William lips feel warm against my right cheek as I hear the water tap springs on; he hold a glass of water in his right hand. "Here; drink my love; you seem warm" His voice is low and steps away looking into the  fridge. I was feeling a warm but I would think  that's normal  when your standing in your boyfriend kitchen in his top and waiting for his mother to pop in any minute.  The tingles start to fade away at my feet as I gulp the water a few times. I place the cup into the sink as William drinks orange juice out of the bottle and then twisting it back into the side door of the fridge.  "Come on lets freshen up" He nods his head making his curly hair bounce once again. The moonlight through the window is making his  abs shine as he walks upstairs. "Does your mother mind that I " I take a few careful steps behind him while he nods his head in disagreement.  Once we get to the top deck he shuffles to his right side to the second door and knocks on it. "Hey Mum, its me, I've brought Sabrina over" I hear things shuffle within the room as William's Mother reply in a cheerful way but not clearly hearing the words properly. William takes my hands in his moving forwards to the right side to his room and in his bathroom.  He turns on the shower putting his finger tips in the water to get the right tempter.  "I'll grab you a towel; here" He place's it on the bench  where the the stink is and hands me a fresh blue top and some grey jeans that might look like his pajamas. I thank him as he close's the door behind him. The sight of me in the mirror takes me by surprise; I'm covered dirt and my eyes are dark green with a dark amber orange in them.  How could William accept me as his mate, I'm a monster.  The water is at my bare chest flowing drown my body with the soap and dirt washing off as I hear a knock at the door. "Its me" I knew he wasn't expecting anything out of it but an answer. "Yeah, I'm all good, come in" The door opens without any hesitations. "Did you need anything?" He ask behind the dark blue shower curtains.  "I need you" In here, I dare not to say out loud but he knew what I meant as i hear him unzip his jeans dropping onto the floor. He opens the shower curtain what seems to be very slowly as my head i under the warm water. His hazel eye fixated on my face and then slides down my bare chest, He see's the scares on my skin that I've been hiding all my life.  William doesn't touch me yet and that makes me even more thirsty. "You are  so beautiful Sabrina"  He sinks his tongue passionately inside mine and then grabs me; pressing his right hand on my as and the other on my higher back that makes me  feel his hard a rectum.  William lips move slowly down my neck and then down my chest as I grab a hold of his curly long lock that are now wet; he sucks on my hard nipples lightly and then slides his fingers lower; slipping into my vagina; a small moan escapes that I've been holding for so long.  "Are we protected?" Why did he even ask that, my mind say's yes I am, Implant in my left arm but my body didn't want to answer just in case it broke this trance we were having.  I put my two legs around his hips while he hold on to me, he slides into me slowly and deep, he repeats the movements until we both come.  I put my legs down as the come slides down onto the shower floor into the drains. William giggles slightly looking into my eyes; I join him and then he gives me a hard kiss that sends my cheeks a red flash.  We both get changed and get into bed cuddling each other. William talks most of the time as I listen in, the night is windy with the windy making ripple effects against the windows in Williams room. I text Mom that I am okay, just staying at a friends house tonight; after a few minutes tapping send for the message to do through; it fails to send. It was like its sending me a sign not to do it. William had fallen asleep first turning the over way; he tossed and turned through the night; he was sweating like he'd just got out of the shower even though it was a few hours now. I touch his shoulder, he feels warm like his gotten a fever so I go downstairs and get a wet cloth for him;putting it on his forehead lightly. William opens his eyes slightly. "Its just me, you've got a fever" I whisper to him as he gets up putting the wet cloth on his night sand. "I'm sorry" I nod my head. "Don't be" He gives me a small but it has a sadness to it more then happy. "Its.... just a nightmare I get them on Full Moons" He point to the sky and giggles as he rubs his forehead; the curls don't get into his way this time; no bounce or shine; just dark and still curls. I knew all  to well about nightmares.  "You know how Rushmore caught on fire" I hold his hands in mine; his eyes on them looking confused to why I'm bring this up. He has a right to know and its never a right time but I am ready. "Yeah?" He ask turning to look up at me. "That was me, I killed them people" His face hasn't reacted yet. "They weren't just people" He says in a whisper. "I know My Best friend Teresa, My boyfriend Noah and I feel terrible about it," William pushes my hands away from him. "Please, it was accident" My voice sounded crackly as tires falls down my cheeks. William wipes them away a moment of care but then anger as he shakes his head. "Get out" My heart drops as my breathing quickens. I don't want to show him my full on cry face so I cover my face with my hands and the hold it in for a few seconds. "Where I am I suppose to go William; It in the mid of the night?"  He remains siting up straight on his bed looking the other way now. "I don't care, get out" My mind says run but my body wouldn't listen.  I know he doesn't mean what he says but it still hurts. "Your a monster" He voice more louder then a whisper now.  That's when I ran out grabbing my things but Williams Mother stops me in my tracks holding a glass of water. "What did he do now?" Her face emotions were full of fear. Why would he do anything so fearful. I'm the monster. "No he didn't do anything, Sorry maam" My voice sounded shaky but strong.  I walked past her as she turn around. "Here a jacket for you dear; its freezing out there" I thank her and close the door behind me dialing Oles number in. He answers it with some shuffling sounds "Hey why are you up so late...early?" Its two am in the morning. "I explain when I get to yours, do you mind if I crash?" Without exhaustion Ole invited me into his family home, by his parents I was welcomed here all the time. I stayed there for the week; Ole's mother gave me some of Ole's younger daughters clothes to wear that died in the fires. I thanked them as they held they tires in. "Its okay to cry" I say giving Ole's mother a soft smile.  That was my fault my mind reminds me that I couldn't keep wearing Ole's  sisters clothes so;  I came back home the sixth day  to pack a few clothes of my own and some things I need like make up to cover my dark circles around my eyes. My car was nowhere to be seen some like  Father or my bothers  but my mother was with her two friends from University, Ava and Charlotte in the kitchen. They were all opposites, neither looked alike; nor had the same interest but they had a passion for cooking and so they made a cooking club just the three of them every second Sunday nights.  I wave them hello as I enter through the door. Mother greet me with a massive warm hug and a few wet kisses on my cheek. "My dear I miss you, you back for good? "she whispers to me.  I nod my head. "I'm just picking up a few things and oh where my car?." Mother grabs my arm as I start to go upstairs. "Taken off you, until you come home"  I felt annoyed but not showing it got it me I smile to her to friends who are rolling out dough on the kitchen bench. "Looks like fun; enjoy girls"  I jog upstairs to my room to found that everything was put back to normal like nothing happened at all. What a surprise; not really, I knew dad was on it as soon as I left last week.  

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