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Max is laying in the river, flouting as Hannah swims and drags him to shore safely. She does first aid on him while Peter stands up shaking his head. "Oh Christ"   I let go of Cody's limp body know looking at Drake, his face expression is full of fear which I kind of love at this moment. He  runs in his human form through the Forrest.  "Go catch him now!" I say to Peter; without hesitation he goes after him.  A tire falls down my right cheek as I pat Cody light orange fur. "I'm sorry" I walk away transforming back into my human form. Knowing I am naked but I just don't care I need to found William.  A few steps away I see William's head beside a tall think tree. laying on the ground. I ran towards him lifting his head up so he wouldn't drown on his own blood. "There so much fucking blood" My voice sounded shaky but not loud.  "Stay with me, please!" Holding on to his claw wound firmly. "Please don't go, I" Williams eyes remained opened staring straight but his chest didn't make any movements. "I love you"  Tires fall onto his face as I close his eyelids and lay him down comfortable. I place my hands on his chest. "Ancient Goddess please bring my lover back; Heal his wounds and guide me to a better me please"  I  repeat this a few times as I clear my voice from tires. Nothing happens. I take off my hands off his chest. "I know I deserve this; but he doesn't and if I can do this, I can make things right for everyone; please help" I say throw a scream and half cry as my skin becomes cold like ice; and my nails glow a yellow shine through them. "Thank you" I whisper putting my nails into William arms. Peter come back without Drake. "He was to fast" Peter puff out harshly.  Hannah succeed in her first aid after saving Max's life we sat around a camp fire while William wounds healing up that took an hour and he took his first breath at six o'clock pm.  "Sabrina saved you and well... us" Hannah says out loud to William as he sits up straight. "Hey.. Drake is out on the loose."  Peter says this through eating raw meat he hunted a few minutes back. We all sat in silence; William takes a sit beside touching knees. "He'll come back and when he does will be ready" Max voice sounded so sure to himself but my gut had twisted twice over in a second. "Yes we will" Hannah gives Max a peck on his cheek. William gives me a surprising wet kiss that sends me out of my trance. "I am in control when I'm with you" My voice sounded back to normal. "That's good" William gives me a kiss of the lips. "I love you Sabrina" He holds my chin up to his face. "I love you too".

The End

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