William The Werewolf

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I unbuckled my seat belt getting out of the car leaving the engine on and run through the front door. "Mother! Where are you?"

The house is darker then I left it before even though the curtain shades are torn putting the  quarter moon light on display. Chairs were flip over and frames of us three on the walls shattered on the floor in the hallway.; mother said it was fine but little dose she know its not, this is bad.

I head to the back door where I've been told not go but like hell if he'd have mother in danger all because of his actions. Screw that!

I swing the door seeing father laying on the porch with mother cleaning his bloody face.

"What happened?" I get to my knees next to mother helping her up as she struggles.

"Your father just drank to much and got a little to carried away" She fixes her arm sleeve to her dress.

"Carried away...mum his face is all bloody, the house looks like we've been rubbed and your eye is swollen!"

"It was my fault...I provoked it" She puts her right hand on my chin.

"No you didn't, his a drunk, Mother! I'm calling the police or helpline or whatever" Pushing her hand away from me.

"Don't please, it'll make this worse," She pace's and starts sobbing as it starts to rain. "Your father will go to pension and I cannot support us!"

"We do not need this" I reach my arms out to the house that stands like a hill.

"I need it" My mother's voice sounds low but firm as she sounds so sure of her chose.

"No you... don't your confused" I look at my mother my inside's ache inside as she walk to my father and cleans his face once again.

"Leave my son, pack your things and go"  This time she didn't even look at me; how could I ever leave her with this man.

"No" I stand still feeling my pulse speed up with warmth.

"Do as I fucking say and pack your fucking shit!" Her veins in her throat shows as she screams.

My pulse is getting faster and my breathing is getting heavy as I walk inside the house my claws peers through my skin and my bones start to crack ready for the transformation as I run out with my four paws and eye's ready for the hunt. I'm not to worried about if anyone see's me  if they do they usually see a white fur shadow because of the speed I have.

By the time I get to the forest and clear my path, I end up near a lake that links in with a waterfall that covers between these glow in the dark rocks of yellow, lime and blue colors. Its magical but not for an angry werewolf.

It really shows that even though you have  horrible shit happening in your life that there is heaps of beauty around it and if you don't be careful you can fuck that up too. Sadness overwhelms me as I howl; a few seconds past as I hear another howl that is very similar to mine; the rain pours more hitting the thick trees along the lakes bed. I follow the next two howls that leads past a farm house and across a wooden bridge that I didn't trust so I jumped on a tree log that  had snapped across over the hollow darkness beneath me on to the other side where a dark cave appeared.

Max is on top of a rock in his light brown werewolf form near the grey cave as Hannah sits patently licking her light brown paw and straightening her fur on her ears from the rain.

Peter just arrive's springing to his feet to a stop while his grey and black tail swings of freedom.

"Whats up?" Max growls at me in question.

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