Sabrina's Visions

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The sky is blue; there is no clouds to be seen, the sun shines through the court yard outside at lunch seeing Ole ask Emily to be his Valentines in a hug box full of colorful helium balloons, holding a sign up in his hands, lets reach the sky... be my Valentines? It was cute but if anyone did that to me i'd be embarrassed, the whole school basically cheered when Emily said yes.
I take a sit at the table with Dee, Sandy & Ben. Emily and Ole start making out while I eat my jam sandwich that I slap together this morning  because I ran late for the bus stop; running was a struggle due to not wearing no shoes yesterday but the pain subsided at the next bus stop seeing Ole standing at the door entrance holding Aloe Vera cream.

"Speaking of Valentine's Day;I wonder who will ask me to prom this year?" Dee ask out loud as she pulls the banana skin back flipping it over onto the wooden table.
"Well, I've already got mine!" Ben puts his right arm around Sandy's shoulders as they peck each other on the lips. I don't know why its such a big deal, prom isn't until next semester and a lot of things can happen by then. I try to ignore all the romance that's happening around me. "Don't worry Dee, someone will ask you" Sandy gives her a little push on her shoulder as She takes a bite of her banana."he'll never ask me" Looking in the direction of a tall muscle  guy with blue spiky hair.  "Then you ask him" My voice breaks free surprising myself and the rest, Dee chuckles  showing chunks of banana in her mouth  "To prom? No way...really?"  I take a last bite of my sandwich and grab my orange pop out of my brown paper bag.   "Yes, you are a strong and independent woman that can do it" I give her a strong smile as Ben & Sandy agrees. "Alright I'll do it" She claps and rubs her hands together showing shes excited and nervous.  "After Gym class though" I feel my eyes roll slightly; I hear a sigh coming out of Sandy's mouth. "his not going to say no, his stupid if he dose and that goes for you to Missy"  Emily says breaking from Ole's mouth pointing behind us and then retreating back. All this romance, kissing  atmosphere is making me sick in the stomach, literally. The bell rings for the fourth period as I walk myself to science class I feel a tap on my left shoulder; I turn around to see Cody;  his hair is pushed back  making his freckles on his skin show more. "Hey did you want come check out my cover band  that I play in after school today, its a small group of us but we do alright?"    My cheeks feel warm as my stomach dancers, I give him a smile that almost sends my cheeks into my eye lids . "Sure, I would love too" The hallway is still  busy.  "Okay cool, I'll see you later on then"  I nod as he opens the door with his right hand giving me a quick kiss on the cheek that feels like a soft brush of little hairs tickling the surface of my skin. The second bell rings my feet move a little  fast  then normal; there isn't much people in the hallway as I open the door.

"Please take your resign seats"  Kev Easterwood  finishes writing on the board as she greets me with a sheet of paper of the subject **Crystals** I take a seat on the fourth row to the left side opposite the windows were I see my name tag next another that says William. "Sir ..Kev.. I think their"    "There's no problem"  William cuts me off as he sits in the chair beside me waving his right hand in the air.

"Perfect!" He puts on his thick glasses to the tip of his nose while talking to the class room.  "Today will be learning how to make crystals follow the steps on your sheets I gave you with your resigned partners"  Great; I can't get away from him; his getting annoying with his stupid gorgeous smirk.  William gets off his chair  to get some items on the sheet as I slowly follow behind making sure  to keep my distance away. He goes up to the table putting down a pan and Pyrex beaker as I  get there he goes back and gets the Borax.

"So are we going to talk  or are you going to avoid me the whole time  because like if we are  going to be Lab partners its going to be difficult , plus now  tutor" I turn on the button on to the gas as the fire flame fails. "Be quite" I try again tapping the gas button and clipping my fingers together creating a big flame causing the people in front to turn around but then it dies down.

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