William & The Mermaid

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Sabrina's green silk dress sways touching the wood of the pier, she takes her nude high hills off and sets it beside her. Her head still remains facing the waters lake in front of us; she unzips her dress down that falls slowly like a cloud unrevealing her glorious shiny skin,. She jumps into the water head first giving me a good view of her bottom and vagina. I clearly had an erection, normally I wouldn't be anxious to show it so I shift it in my pants as I walk closer to the edge of the pier. Sabrina's head pops out of the water and so does a orange tail. She's a mermaid. I feel my jaw drop at the sight. "Your a Shape Shifter?" Acting surprised. Sabrina nods her head; top half of her lips out of the water where the other half is under with the rest of her. "Come join me?" She lifts arms up towards me but then puts them back in the water. "You cease to amaze me Sabrina" I undress and jump into the water; making a big splash. Sabrina circles around me her tail slightly brushes against my right arm and her eyes are fixated towards my chest and then grabs me closer and tighter that my penis touches her belly. Sabrina doesn't flinch at it instead her small gentle hands hold it giving it three strokes and then lets it go giggling.  "Such a beautiful tease you are"  I lean in to kiss her on the lips but she bites my lower lips passionately that makes me groan lightly. Her breast is bare showing me her pink nipples that dilated out; perfect and ready for me to explore with my tongue. "Do you want to know my secrets, My twin flame?" Her voice is in such a tease I didn't know if she is being serious accepting it or she is teasing me, plotting me with our twin flame. " We have time for that, no need to rush" Was my response; by the look on her face it took her by surprise as she lays on her back facing me. "You seem so sure of that, why?" Sabrina's eye glimmer in tones of green and red waiting for an answer. " You hear that?" Sabrina's tilts her head up out of the water, her hair is much darker when its wet and her complexion is dusky, tanned same as always but the water leaves a coat of smooth droplets on her skin, every beating heart becomes stronger and louder with every drop that falls into the water. "Its a heart beat?" Her voice almost a whisper. "Its ours," Beating Together I did not dare to say but she knew what I meant. Her eyes light up and a smile that warms me up all the time I see it. "This is my favorite spot,, I came by it when I fell off my bike over that hill over there over there" She points towards a deep  hill. "That's when I learnt I could grow wings"  I nod my head "That's the part of the shape shifting, do you know how it works?" She nods her head looking around  the peaceful  place.  "Sometimes, I know when its happening but it depending on what I transform in; its always different feeling" She pause's taking a few breaths. "When I transform into this, it's cold like ice that I'm almost at deaths door, then a heart beats so fast that it hit my ear canals sending headache for a slight  few seconds and  then when its almost over I get these sharp pains through my legs"  She grabs my hand letting me touch her scaly tail. "No one comes here, because its well hidden; its a place safe to discover myself"  I let go of her tail  as we swim together around in the water.  Its a small lake with only a white pier that seems like it could break at any moment. Trees surround us and the lake bank is low; full of slimy mud that are now wedged in between my toes going to the shoreline. "It is something nice, thanks for showing me" The water around her lights up in a white glow that makes my eyes shut slightly as I see her feet walk out of the water towards me. Sabrina gives me a kiss on the cheek that feels way to quick but then she slides her arms around my hips looking up towards me as if she is searching for something on my face her eyes change into her normal hazel green eyes.  We head to her car it takes about thirty minutes to get to mine where my mother is at the tall mansion.  "Did you want to come in for a little?" She turns off the engine and gets out of the car. Not a answer but I'll take it that she's coming inside.  Peter opens the door as he greets us; surprise played on his face. I tell Sabrina to go into the gust room which is on the left through the big cream doors.  "Where is your father, William? He has a meeting in the morning and he called in this afternoon to cancel his Tuesday appointments, what did you do?" I curse Peter for being such a nose prick sometimes. "He gave me the duties to do so, I'll be taking it and for now on you do not have a say what goes on, you are just a door man and now do that job or else I'll found another" I sounded just like my father then. Careless and forceful. Peter's jaw tightens and then he nods. "Yes Sir, my mistake sorry" He straightens his poster and then exits the door.  "William?" Mothers voice is low and her eyes still remain wet from sobbing. "Hello Mum, I have a friend over she's in the gust room I hope you don't mind? " She nods her head and gives me a small smile. She stand in Fathers night grown and shoes.  Hannah comes down stairs behind Mother putting a hand on her shoulder. "The gown was my idea, it looks lovely on her" Hannah is in her pajama dress and thongs. I knew they were staying here with my mother but not that they were still up.   "I'll bring some cupcakes over if she'd like some?"  I nod my head. "You don't have to" She cuts me off "I want to"  I've never brought a girl friend over here before, besides Hannah and Max but anyone could see they were an item from a miles away.   She walks to the kitchen her body still shaken up by the secret I held for so long from  father and her.  I know she is scared of me, seeing her only son turn into a wolf and the only friends she knew I had since the start of high school turn, everything seems unfair now. "Mum, Please don't be afraid, I'm still me" I reach out to her but stop half way when she turns away stepping back. "No William, your not my son, your a figure of him and I have to deal with whatever I can get out of it." She pauses catching some air. "Your Father was a bad man yes, I agree but he never wanted to do the things he did and he hated himself for it. What did they do to him?"  My body went numb. I know she doesn't mean it, the words about me but it still hurts. I wanted to answer her but she was still very rare with emotions. I want to tell her that they wash his memories away and sent him where he cant come back.. ever. "Nothing that harmed him" Hannah said.  She nods her head wiping her tires away with her hands. I didn't know if she would  believed my words but I knew Hannah's words were stronger.  Her other gifts is Comfort and Truth. My mother needed both and that  meant she'd trust Hannah more then me, despite what she is.  "I'm sorry Mum for what it is"  I shorten it.  I know she is safe and that's the most important  thing  right now. Mother disappears into the kitchen as Hannah follows her in giving me a sad expression closing the door in front. I walk into the gust living room were I see Sabrina looking at our huge family frame on the wall of us three. "Nice family Photo"  She takes a sit onto the coach. "Yeah its not my favorite one" Clearly the truth. She picks another one that shows me in my bathers suit with goofy goggles  on my forehead in the swimming pool with my mother, where both pulling silly face's. "This is a cute one" She says pointing to it. I give her a little laugh lifting the tension in my chest. The door opens as my Mother holds a  small tray of blueberry cupcakes, she placers it onto the coffee table in front of us and then gives Sabrina a more gentle brighter smile then before.  "You must be William's girl friend? Name's Mabel" She takes her hand as the both shake hands "Sabrina, its very nice to meet you"  Sabrina take a cupcake  and a napkin to her lap as Mother walks out not even glancing at me. "Sorry about my Mother she had a tough day" I take a sit next to her watching her take a second bite. "It's okay, tell her that these are very delicious, I better go its getting late"  She hangs her bag on her left shoulder wiping her mouth with the napkin that sends my down stair's twitching. 

***Writer's Broad***

Thank you for reading it means so much to me, please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter and comments are welcome to give  feedback's it really helps thank you! Enjoy Reading!

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