Sabrina's Girls Night

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Emily's black hair is in a hair net with rollers painting Sandy's toe nails pink on the bed while  Sandy is cutting out quotes from a Girl Power magazine; We all have a cucumber mask on our face's that Dee brought over that's making my skin stiff around my lips and cheeks. We just finish watching Pretty Woman when the door bell rings for our pizza's.  Emily pays the cute pizza guy that Dee was total flirting on and gives him her number. We all giggle to the living room spreading the three boxes along the marble table. Sandy takes a first slice of New York-Style pizza and then Dee takes a California pizza biting onto the crust side. "So are you going to take Cody back?" Dee says with her mouth full. "He asked me out on a date after I humiliated him in front of everyone at school, he has balls but I don't know; would you?" Emily nods her head in disagreement but Dee and Sandy in excitement. "You guys look so cute together!" Sandy pulls the cheese from her pizza and hangs it into her mouth. "I think William and you make a power couple" Emily picks up her coke can giving me a smirk and then winks. "Why?!" Dee shakes her body in disgust. "I know his done some horrible shit but when he see's Sabrina; his eyes comes to life;like some warmth  comes out or some shit..anyway... he acts different, the way he talks and he doesn't say any nasty shit to me even if I deserve it" Dee giggles breaking the trance of my harden body against the soft couch. "Why do you think you deserve it Ems?"  Emily sighs taking a bite of her Margarita pizza. She talks as my body becomes numb. The truth is out, William and Emily; His father, Mother and why his the way he is.  While beside's him being a wolf that's the only thing she didn't know. The room felt big, to big  and none of us said anything  or made a movements. "No one knows; he keeps it all to himself?" Dee finally breaks the silence.  Emily just nods her head taking another sip from her can.  Everything that she'd done to him,  I guess she felt a massive guilt and to keep that to herself as long as she did; I wonder if that's why they were very mutual towards each other even though in the past William did awful things to her. It was just a coping mechanism and she knew it.  "Cody lost his parents in a car crash" I say taking the subject off of William.  "Yeah that was sad, stupid  coyote ran in front of the car" Sandy says grabbing the last triangle of the cheese pizza.  My tummy turns as a lump of pizza goes up in my throat and then down; covering my mouth with my right hand. "Enough with the drag, lets watch a comedy movie" Dee grabs the DVD box and start flipping through the case's. "Total down with that!" My voice sounded high pitch as Emily signs me with a question mark; you okay emotion on her face; she must of seen me gagging.   Dee throws over a disc case that I almost miss but catch it with my two thumps and leads on my lap. Sierra Burgess Is a Loser was the disc putting into the DVD player. My finger tips becomes warm as a sweat forms at the back of my neck during the movie. We laugh through out the movie and once the movie finished we head up to Emily's room getting changed into our pajamas; I  grab my purple pillow  off my night bag on the floor and put it on the right side of Emily's King size bed, Sandy slides in beside me placing her pink fluffy headband on her forehead while Emily and Dee follow in the bed sheets.  We don't fall asleep straight away, we gossip and laughed at funny things Dee says. It was one O'clock before Dee and Emily fell asleep leaving Sandy and I giggling about Dee sleep talking. Sandy pulls her fluffy headband over her eyes. "Goodnight Ladies" She whispers lightly. I reply back in the same tone, Dee and Emily were already fast asleep to reply. I move to my right side facing  the window seeing the roof top and tall trees half covering the full moon. Emily's room would normally be dark but with the moonlight shining in it felt like I was a crystal being charged with its magic. Emily mumbles something as she left her hand to her face blocking the light and Dee puts her pillow over her head turning away. The tall trees sway slightly as the wind picks up, pulling my arm out of the two coat of sheets I flinch as my skin turns white of crystal pearls. I knew what was happening and it always comes at a time when I never really ready.  The transformation. I gentle get out of bed making sure I don't wake up any of the girls. Sandy turns over around my way as she notice my side was empty.  "Have you fallen out?" She whispers lazy reaching out for me. "No I'm just getting water I'll be back"   She nods her head against her pillow as Emily's left arms hugs her hips and hiding her face in her back frame away from now as knowing its now my glow light.  I  try open the window up but it jams up making a small click noise. I don't know why I feel like not taking the stair maybe its the fear of waking up her parents and her little brother during it. I gave the window another go as I found a little pin next to the window ledge and pin it through the hole of a buckle. It unbuckles within a few seconds. The wind greets my skin as I climb out in my shorts on to the roof top. Climbing up I feel my body transform, this  change is very different from the rest, it leave's a cooling effect through my body like ice and then when its almost done a shot of tingle heat surfaces that makes my heart race and my eyes becomes more defined and everything I see becomes more bright with my lizards eye.  I jump on to a tree branch moving ever so fast swishing my body in a noodle motion as my long red and back tail followers along.  

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