Sabrina At The Festival

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Mother is cleaning up the dinner table while Tyson and Matt plays in the TV room on the rug with their cars toys as Father tries to watch the Seven O'clock News. 

"Enjoy tonight Sabrina, I'll leave some apple pie for you in the fridge, top shelf" Knowing my brother will take it and eat it later on during the night if she didn't put it on the top shelf. 

 I walk up to her with my small green bag in hands, she fixes my natural curls in my hair. "Are you sure you don't want me to straighten it for you darling?"  I nod my head feeling the blue skirt sway side to side brushing my knees slightly.  "I think they'll be here soon anyways, don't worry about it but could you help me with this"  I gave her a white butter fly charm necklace and turn around, once she was done I thanked her and said goodbyes to my Father and brothers just in time for Emily's car pulling up at the front of the drive way.

Different color hands waving out the car windows as they see me out on the porch, Emily pops her head out the window, "Hey, I couldn't get all the guys away, this ones stuck with us" She points behind her as a guy waves at me in reply to Emily's comment " Yeah agreed" then rubs the girls thighs besides him in the car, the girl beside him with big boobs kisses his cheek more then three time. "ahh enough Sandy, Ben don't be annoying I'll throw you out" they both laugh at Emily's comment. 

Emily clicks the back door open inside, I enter taking a sit next to Ben whinging him in the middle of us two girls. "Did you get the glow sticks Dee?" Emily putting her right hand out towards her friend sitting at the front sit and the other starting up the engine driving out of the main road. "Oh, yeah of course there right here" 

Dee pulls her oversize pink bag to her lap and pulls two packs of them with some other private things like a tampon pack & these pink pills shaped as love hearts; she apologizes for making a mess then takes one of the pink pills and offers one to the rest of the group. Nobody answered her as she pushes the box front of us at the back Ben and Sandy don't hesitate to shove it into there mouth. "No thanks" I gave Dee a small smile as she pulls the box towards her then to Emily, she declines as well.  

Emily turns on the radio on while Dee passes red sticks around,  Sandy and Emily starts singing to a Beetle song "The Yellow submarine" and Ben starts to dance moving his head in circles and clapping his hands.

Emily honks at some guy in a leather hoodie who walked through a red light. "Gezz! Watch where your going idiot!" Dee screams out of the window with her head out and her right arm out giving him a hard rude finger. 

"Stop Dee, he clearly didn't mean it" Emily turns into the parking lot.  

"Oh you always stick up for that imbecile William guy and all his ever done to you was lie and embarrass you" Emily nods her head. 

"No well...yes..that's true but he deals with a lot of things, so its not personal on me or anything" Emily parks and turns off the engine.

"and how you know that?" Ben shuffles in his sit as I open the door.

"We used to hangout when we were little, that's all I'm saying" She lifts her hands up and the goes back to her lap quickly exiting the car. 

"Whatever, enough about that guy wheels, lets have some fun!" Sandy points her middle finger to the festival fare out in front of us.

"Agreed!" Emily puts her right arm around my shoulder lightly and then her left arm around Dee's lower back. 

Walking to the festival from far it looks really small, with little shiny and different colors moving in different patterns; the more we walked the more things appeared and the more clear of the size of the festival really is.

The the four of them decided to skip food as Sandy tells the story of Ben how he throw up a burger size meal in his hands  while on the Pirate Ship and then the year before that Dee throw up on The Mega Drop and everyone got covered they had to close the ride for the rest of the night.  

We stand near the Ferries Wheel laughing in humor almost in stitches as I see Cody come off the sitting cart with a girl who looks pretty pissed off or annoyed; maybe both. Cody waves at me as the girl in a purple dress storms off into a group of girls where Stella stands in the middle of them.

"Hey Cody, you hanging out with Sophia now?" Dee gives him two Red sticks as he accepts it. 

"Nah..Wheels..decoy I guess" He shrugs his shoulders and gives me one of his Red sticks.

"Could I borrow this lovely lady for game challenge " He points his hand towards me to the rest of them.

No body answers his question as the get stuck into there little conversation, Emily nods her head at Cody  "Sure, just don't hog her to yourself"  She gives us a small smile and I follow Cody to the Ball Shooting stand.

He pays the tall elderly guy behind the stand in return of ten yellow balls.

The aim of the game is to get the most balls into the small hoop on the wall. In between the hop there are different types of bears, green crocodile, colorful penguin, purple dolphin with different sizes.

"Hurry you go Curly Sue" Cody gives me five balls as I go first.

"Hey.." I give him a light knock on his right arm as he lightly laughs.

"Did you want to see the fireworks with me ?"  I throw one ball towards the hoop hitting the edge that it re-bounce towards me. 

"Well.. not now" I throw  that ball again as it goes through the hoop.

"Arr..." He throws one of his balls and misses. 

I giggle and throw my second one not hitting the edges of the hoop this time as it falls through.

"Maybe" I throw my third one missing it.

"If I get all these 4 balls in, come with me to see the fire works" He nods his head and throws a ball into the hoop. All 3 goes in the hoop but the last one.

"Better luck next time" I laugh putting my right hand covering my mouth and my left hand resting on my elbow. 

"Next time I'll choose the Duck Stand instead"  The guy behind the stand hands me a yellow Star teddy; I thank him and walk with Cody to the ice cream stand.

"Do you want a Ice cream?" Cody already ordering his chocolate ice cream with sprinkles on it.

"Yes, Vanilla, chocolate sprinkles please"  He grabs the cone of ice cream and gives it to me as I give my half to pay  for the ice cream but he pushes it away and pays for the lot. 

I give him a small smile and push my hair away from my face.  

I give the crone a lick as I start to push the memory of the stories of Ben and Dee. 

The night is becoming chilly with the wind picking up as I see Emily's group on the Chaser ride.

***Writers Note***

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