William with Dear's

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The Forrest is silent with only the wind making sound which is a good sign for our pack, a few birds appear in there nets trying hide from us while we walk through the woods. Max is ahead of the pack sniffing the ground and making sure its safe, his dark brown tail is up in alert moving side wards slightly when he walks a bit further.  Hannah gives me a nudge with her long muzzle on my shoulder. "Where's Sabrina?"  My tattoo always  warms when she is near and that's how I know she isn't to far away. "She coming" Is only thing I say back when Hannah see's my tattoo go red through my fur.  "That looks like it hurts" Peter shakes his head making his grey and black fur go in different directions, he stretches onto his front paws making his bottom go into the air and then yawns of boredom.  "It will only sting for a couple of times, your body will adjust to it" Hannah says this showing her sharp teeth towards the end of it and then walks a few steps faster in front of me that her thick tail almost hits my wet nose.  "Come on Peter were almost there"  Hannah says this not looking back, her paws go into a light run confident that it'll speed him up which is does.  We light run towards our packs favorite spot in the woods of Chest-Woods, which is the East side of the town on the edge were the woods divides into the next town over called Hazardville.   We know when we've hit the jackpot when we see three thick tree vines in a loops, we always go through them, never around or out where the normal tall trees surround the woods. The woods trees become thick of green leaves and  random rocks are found along the place.  The air has a chill in it but the sun shines through the tree branches hitting my fur giving warmth to my back and ears.  We don't normal speak at this part when we enter, its like magic; a almost thin peaceful hum touches our ear and our steps become more lightweight. The words from our muzzles seems to send the magic running away into a thick smoke.  

After ten minutes we reach a water pond that has a tall pink tree in the middle of it , the grass is greener and taller and the trees some how go larger and  spreads out with the full moon shinning through making light for us as we see large rainb...

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After ten minutes we reach a water pond that has a tall pink tree in the middle of it , the grass is greener and taller and the trees some how go larger and  spreads out with the full moon shinning through making light for us as we see large rainbow fish in the water swimming in groups in different directions.   Yellow flyer flies twinkles around us. Peter takes a few licks of the water, Max takes a sit next to a thick purple tree while Hannah joins in close cuddling into a ball at his belly.    

"Don't look so nervous Wheels" Hannah says licking Max's paws

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"Don't look so nervous Wheels" Hannah says licking Max's paws.  I take a sit next to the bank of the  small pond pressing my paws against the soft grass to calm my nervous.  "Dude..I think she's ..." I knew what he was thinking, she's not coming but my thoughts jump into horrible thoughts, what if she's in trouble. Feeling my heart beat speeds up more then normal I cut him off "She's here"  Seeing a bright green light from the distance in the sky and then a few seconds later  two white large wings appear and then her legs lead onto the soft grass in front of me. Sabrina's eyes appear in colors of light shades of green and red; her smile makes me want her to rub my belly. Her wings disappear and so does the green glow from her skin.  "What an entrance" I say but it sounds like a howl. She giggle's putting her fingers through my fur, "I don't understand you William" Her voice is low as she bites onto her lower lip.   Hannah runs to Sabrina licking her on the face in a playful way that makes me jealous so I  jump on Sabrina's chest as she falls into the water pulling us two in with her. She squeals at first and then laughs towards the end. Max makes a medium howl telling us lets go for a run as we get out of the water, Peter starts running behind Max.  Hannah shakes  the water off her fur as I do the same, feeling a burning heat behind us Sabrina transforms into a fox. The red fur hangs slightly and her four orange skinny legs move faster through the water making little ripple waves.  "Welcome to the pack Sabrina" Hannah says as she turns to Max; Max gives an approval nod and then Hannah runs in front of Peter giving him a playful bite on his ear that sends him jumping away slightly.   Sabrina licks her muzzle standing calmly, I put my front legs over  pinning her down, she makes a moaning sound of pain and her jaw snaps backwards towards me; Max runs to the other side of Sabrina holding her shoulders down and digs his teeth into her neck.  Sabrina lets a  cry moan that vibrates through the wood. This may feel like we are attacking a small  innocent  fox, I feel Sabrina; she is scared but this is how we make a pack mark. The more you fear the stronger the mark is.  I let go of Sabrina and help her up with my muzzle raising her chin up as Max pushes her along behind her tail, her  skinny fox legs are shaky but they stop slightly when Hannah gives her fresh fish from the pond. "You did good, my first time I peed myself and Peter blanked out"  Sabrina hasn't looked at Max and I yet. "What happened to William when" She looks at me then and stops her talking. "He ran home basically crying" Max laughs lightly as he says it. There was an awkwardness silence but then Sabrina starts laughing breaking it and then we all join in. We go for a speedy run through the woods. Sabrina always at my side through it as if she had already had forgotten what we'd done to her.  We stop by an olive  tree as we see pray up ahead, three dears with the baby one in the middle of them. Sabrina crawls beside me. "We're not going to kill the baby right?" my ears fold back of guilt. I don't look at Sabrina's face, I already knew it she didn't like it..  "What do you suggest we do, go for the parents?" Max's crawls closer in towards Sabrina that makes my body tense ready to tell him not to get to close but he shoves his head into Hannah's neck like lovers do that makes my body relax to normal. "We could hunt else where" Peter says laying back behind  us; his purple eyes looks around in boredom. This broken heart of Peter's isn't doing any good for anyone. "Maybe you should go then" I say under my breath but Sabrina catches on giving my body a light nudge.  I give her a small lick on her ear as the dears move along closer.  It wouldn't make sense if we did go for the parents, a dear without parents is dead anyway; better chose is to go for the baby.   The dear parents go further away now from the baby dear as Peter makes a noise on purpose with a tree branch twigs.  Max's howls, Hannah jumps onto the baby dear, Sabrina pulls Hannah's leg off the baby dear setting is free with its parents. Max and Peter runs along the side of the three dears to separate them  and Hannah try's  to bite onto the baby dear's foot. "This isn't right" Sabrina says in a low tone. I don't understand her this is how wolf's and her kind live. She runs in between the three dears, her teeth dig into the Fathers neck as blood flows out he becomes lump and then she drops him and attacks the Mother dear who runs my way, I jump on her  and dig my teeth into her belly as Peter comes in digging his teeth into its neck and it becomes lump like the Father Dear. The baby dear is limping surrounding around of wolves and a fox.  "I make orders around here not you!" Max screams at Sabrina. "Kill it" Max say's to Sabrina. This is a test, we know it; even though she failed to listen the first time Max always gives a second chance. The baby dear moves in a running pace but not for long a Sabrina digs her teeth into it. We all eat in silence but Sabrina, she transforms into a dear that gives me goosebumps. We are monsters is what she is telling us by transforming into one.  "Don't worry we wont eat you, you smell like one of us" Peter laughs as he say that like his telling a funny joke;none of laughs beside Max and him.   "I'm sorry" I bow my head towards Sabrina wiping off the blood of my fur with the grass as much as I can. My paws turn into feet and my back hunch back as will as my fur slowly disappears from the surface of my tan skin. "Did you want to go home?" I ask patting her long neck. She nods her head but follows me though the woods as I tell the rest of the pack were going home. 

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