Sabrina On The Horse's

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Williams golden mansion stands tall behind us as we walk towards a long Farms Ban.  He wears a blue jacket with a white top that goes well with his blue jeans.  A couple of trees surround the ban on the left side with a small lake that ducks sing out loud twice.  "You look beautiful" William say's as he takes my hand in his. I only have black jeans  and my grey jumper on with my hair still semi-dry hair and light make up on. I give him a shy smile and thank him. William opens the ban doors letting me go in first showing  two beautiful tall horse behind the fence's there heads goes over to greet William a cheerful noise comes from the light brown horse and a white horse nods it's head; William gives them some hay and more fresh water. We walk past three more horse's that are smaller then the other two, shades of grey and blacks patches. "There beautiful animals" I pat a white horse with brown patches through its body who is now eating fresh hay that William gave it. Horse's always reminds me of my Grandpa as it was his dream to investing and have a family farm house back in our last home town. "Yes they sure are, Here's Fiona, she seems to like you a lot" His eyes shine with happiness, somehow this isn't the same as when his playing out on the field or when his playing his play boy act at school, its different. His cheeks gets dimples in them and his front white teeth go on show. "yeah" My voice sounding like a question. "Sorry Fiona is a professional hurdles horse; she's no match for you" He pats Fiona's neck as the horse shakes its head and bucks its front leg against the mud on the ground. "Hmm...That's strange.. I used to ride professional doing hurdles competitions well back before I moved here" my voice giggle's throughout saying them words, I felt like an idiot that I burst out laughing. William joins in my laughter. After a few seconds he opens the gate and gets Fiona ready for me; he gets his brown horse ready next to Fiona making sure my straddle is secure. The sunset is beaming with colours of orange and pink blending with the different shades of blues with the star's starting to appear as we ride through the grassy hills.  The winds pick up slightly as we jog through the Forrest; William is in front guiding the way. We stop at the beach ridding in a slow pace along the beach side. We stand still for a couple of minutes after William and I stay silent with only the horse's rumbling to each other and the waves crashing in just touching my horse's front leg. It moves back a little sending me in a few jolts in front of William. He catches up a few feet holding the horse's straps to steady him. William makes sure that I'm okay as he calmly pats the horse. "We just don't like the water touching us do we?" I nod my head as I sooth Fiona down as I look out to the ocean.  "My mother gives ridding lesson to the kids in care foster homes, its another way of her many givings, she loves it" He says after we start walking back into the woods.."I had a older brother, he was ten by the time I gotten to really accept him" William is the Forster kid.  "What happened?" My voice sounded in sympathy, low and not sure to ask. "He had stage four....he did cemo but it didn't do anything" He pause's for a few seconds his eyes gets glassy. "Father was mad, he never really was the same again since then...I guess"  He sighs. "We weren't blood brothers but it still hits me" Without thinking I reach out to his hands  giving them a light squeeze; a small smile comes to the surfaces as the frown disappears that makes my insides feel better.   " What was his name, your brother?" I ask in interest; letting go of his hands and steering the horse around a thick tall tree.  " Benjamin, he loved football, we'd watch the Hawks play live every time they'd come into town, we would kick the footy late at night, like every night till midnight and my mother use to get so mad with us"  William laughs when he continues to talk but a hint of sadness shines through towards the end. "I'm sorry" I finally say.   "No its okay, It actually feels good to talk about him" He gives me a warm smile that makes his hazel eyes shine brighter  with the moonlight on his tan skin.  "Do you want to race me?" My voice sounds low but daring in a flirtatious way.  "Oh I'm pretty sure I'll bet you" William taps his two feet onto the horse's belly to move faster as I do the same a few seconds later. "Oh you sneaky" I say under my breath; the sound of William's laughter gives me an idea he heard it; his wolf ears are tuned in. His nowhere to be seen but I can hear him with my Owl ears.  My body feels a cooling tingle sensation and my skin starts to shine of blue diamonds and the horse leaps over a tree branch that lays across the ground and leads in front on  it's four legs  onto the grassy hill. I get off of Fiona as I praise pat her as she gets closer to me looking into each others eyes. "We won" My voice is low feeling my corners of my mouth lift into a smile. "Where is he?" I say under my breath. "William?" I call out into the dark woods behind me.  A few minutes past  and my tingles starts to burn the surfaces of my skin turns a darker blue. Fiona doesn't flinch at my appearance but her head turns away taking a few steps back as the diamonds are getting brighter now. "William?" My voice is louder this time.  There he is on his horse ridding fast my way out of the dark woods. "I guess I was wrong, you win" He says laughing. He gets off his horse with an expression on his face that I'd hadn't seen before.  Surprise with a mix of fear that I know to very well.  "You scared me" I look down at my blue hands as he touches them. "You have nothing to be scared about, I'm not going anywhere" His lips feel warm on mine as his hands slides through my hair, he pulls me in closer making me feel his rock hard jeans and then he slips his tongue in mixing both of our saliva's together.  My heart feels like its going to burst out of my chest and the warmth in my under wear is unbearable that I feel myself moving slightly on his hardness.  Breathless he pulls away and gives me a single kiss that tease's me for more. William opens his eye's and the oval appears for a few long seconds then  any time before; feeling a tiny sting at the back of my ear I pull away from Williams glare. "It'll only sting for a few more seconds that I've been told"  William reaches out to me with his hand but I don't grab it, he shows me a fresh tattoo behind his ear; marks of swirls and dots forming into a small heart.   A tattoo, My parents are going to kill me when they see it. I touch my ear with my finger tips as the stings stops, my finger tips have blood on it, I show William as I laugh exits my chest leaving my head lightheaded and my knees heavy. William has no idea what his gotten himself into, I'm a killer. "I'm yours then hey?" My voice sounds cheerful with a hint of wary.  My legs become numb and everything becomes pitch black as I fell William strong body embracing and lifting me up like a wedding bride ready to un- virgin my body.

***Writer Note**

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