Sabrina's First Day

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I'm walking down a hallway, their is no one here but I can hear footsteps of people walking next to me, in front , behind, just everywhere; the lockers unlocking and shutting. I see shadows, most of them do their own things and others stare at me, while two bigger shadows cast over me that they trip me over onto my knees and knocking my books away from me. My finger tips appeared red and they feel warm, I begged them to stop but they just kept kicking me and calling me names. I stood up as I felt the ground shake, the shadows turns to grey ash onto the marble floor and that when I saw my reflection. Red hair curly locks, red eyes, frames coming out of my skin appearing the shape from of a dragon. Teresa's scream wakes me up from my sleep.

"AHHHH!" My mother and father runs to my room in panicking; swinging the door so hard that it hits the wall behind it, I jump and rush out of my sheets in my shorts and t-shirt.

"I'm sorry, It was just a nightmare" My voice low and shaky then I expected it to be.

My Father stands on the side of the door catching some air, putting one hand on his chest and other on his hips looking up to the ceiling then  on me once again, My mother walks up to me as she sighs in her pink one suit pajamas. "You gave us such a fright darling! You are safe here come on now" She guides me back onto my bed as my fathers goes to check up on my brothers Mat and Tyson.

"You sure you want to start at the new school today? We can give it a miss and do more training instead?" Mother tucks my hair behind my right ear.

"I think...I'm ready" I give her a small smile and release my hair behind my ear.

"Well your grandpa used to say....nobody is ready until it happens; so if you feel like your ready then that's good, I'll be down stairs getting ready and I think you should do the same"

Mother mentioning grandpa felt good, she always reminisce about everything but this was different knowing the words he told her, maybe this time I will be ready.

Looking around my room full of brown boxes everywhere, half are opened spread out on to my desk, two are on my left side of my bed and three others in my closet that have clothing laying on to the floor next to them in piles, I found a sunflower dress and my black ankle boots.

I do my hair that feels like ten minutes as I straighten my hair, I clap my index finger into the hot plates of the straighter, smoke rises but no pain happens; I lift my finger from it to seeing no burning marks or red sensitivity; a giggle plays at the back of my throat as I continue to apply my makeup on.

"Morning Sabrina! " Tyson's voice comes from behind me as I stand in the bathroom that connects through my brothers room.

"Why are you in here , get out!" I slam the door on him.

"I just needed to pee" He says through the door with desperation.

I hear water dripping, I turn around and their I see Matt peeing into the toilet bowl.

"Hi" He says with a big smile.

"Why cant I just have the bathroom by myself for at least 15 minutes, gross!" Mat flashes the toilet flush and walks out without washing his hands.

"Uh even more gross!" He pokes his tongue out as his curly blonde hair falls on to his left thick eyebrows; he unlocks the door from their room and then Tyson comes in running.

"Get out, get out, I'm going to do to a bomb!" I grab my make up bag and straightener and throw it on to my bed.

"Stop mocking around you three and come down stairs for breakfast!" Mother screams as I start taking a step down stairs, I want to defend myself but decided that there is no point because its always my fault being the oldest one. Fighting with a five year old and a seven year old, feels stupid most days.

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