William's No Captain

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Why the fuck is she with Emily? Emily is tormenting me every way she can; just when I forget she shows herself and reminds me of what or who I am; a small part of me I am not.

Emily and I were best friends, we lived next door to each other; things became different after meeting another guy, after a few  months her and her family moved  a couple of streets away; not that made a difference besides her boyfriend at the time, we didn't hangout as much as we'd used to then;  they broke up  and  we slowly hangout more, we dated for five months I feel hard over heels for her but little did I know she was using me to get back with him.  I turned sour towards her; I do admit it but she had it coming.

Peter throws the football as I catch it, side balling it to Max on the flied running side to side on the spot. "Have you heard the rumor around; some people say they saw a wild coyote? It attack some girl"  A guy says beside Peter with freckles on his face. I jog a little harder on the spot; changing to do twenty push ups as Coach Mark Orders. "Not a coyote and didn't" I say under my breath while pushing up and rolling my eyes; Max replies going down on his push up. "Yeah but we hardly get them around here so who knows;maybe there are fake rumors"  Peter gets up from his last push up and starts side stepping; catching a football from the freckle guy. "Yeah I guess, who knows it came from that new girl; you know her right?"  The freckle guy taps towards Peter with his right hand and the other itching his head. Peter confirmed that they've talk but nothing serious happened. Memory flashes to last night; Coach Mark orders us to run around the oval, finishing my last push up. Max and Peter start running as Max reaches the front of the head line, I reach up to Peter making sure my wolf speed doesn't kick in. "Who's the girl?" Peter nods his head while we both run. "Her name is Sabrina; she's that girl that's not your  type remember?"   I laugh at his comment. "Every girl here is my type, its just  some get dull and irritating" We stay in the same jogging pace. "See that whole thing that you just said there, I call bullshit, you think all girls are like that?"  I'm starting to not like were this conversation is going. "Yeah well, Lisa isn't so perfect"  I move my fingers in a round motion. At that comment he stops jogging and pushes me with both of his hands on my chest; my body is thrown off the grass an inch off, my ass hitting the ground with my legs free flying in the air as Peter air dives towards me with his body leading his arm into my throat making me cough for air. "You think We didn't know, what you thinking? What if she founds out; would you be ready to turn her like Max did to Hannah?" I turn my shoulders swinging  my arms around putting Peter under me.
"No, I don't need too, get the fuck off me" He hits my chest but I block it.
The team is around us now giving us some shade from the sun.  "Come on boys, break it up!" Coach Mark runs through breaking the circle around us.
I stand up leaving Peter on the grass breathing heavy; Max helps Peter up and the Coach pulls me aside. "hey come on; your spouse to be the team captain; lead by example"  My jaw becomes tight. "Well give my title to someone else then"  Mark's face looks shocked and surprised by my words; he huffs hard moving his body in a wiggle away from me. " well, I think you should sit down in the first two games then that'll change your mind"
"I don't think so Coach" I throw a gym towel over my shoulders. Max runs up to me with his arms in the air as if to say what the hell I was doing.
I wave my right hand under my chin as I grab my gym bag heading down the halls to the showers. Max follows behind as I throw my shirt off over my head into my locker.  "I'm Done with this bullshit!" 
"Come on, your being irrational with this whole thing Wheels" I was being the irrational one, he has no idea; no one does. I nod my head as take my shoulder pads off throwing them into the locker. "I am not, you know whats going on between them & you don't have the guts to put his head straight on"
"It's because I trust him, he wouldn't do anything to harm our pack or do something stupid " Max stands at the same height level as me, his eyes are in human form but they change shape slightly to remind me his the alpha.  "Just trust me would you" he gives me a light knock on my bare shoulders.
"This weekend where having a party get together, clear the air a bit your welcome to join us, I don't think Peter will be there, some date thing with Lisa " He laughs with his words towards the end; like he made a joke. I put on my jeans on and socks. Hannah has these house parties almost every weekend because she always catches her parents fucking and they always feel guilty so; in there way of apologizing they let her have these parties. It started with us five with some other people from the footy team but over a years it's like the whole school is there.
"Will see, I got to do some things first" I put my white T -Shirt on feeling the warmth against my sensitive burnt skin on my chest;
"Seriously; go get that check out, it look like it's getting affected" I fix my jacket over myself as he points at it.
"Fine, just get off my back about it" The rest of the boys come into the locker rooms.
"Where you going wheels, practice isn't over?" I didn't answer him grabbing my gym bag off the sit.
"Get off my fucking back" my voice sounding firm and loud enough for him to hear me over the showers running down; but not enough to make heads turn.

I have two space periods for studying this afternoon but I decide to head home to check up on things and maybe get fresh clothes as I'm starting to smell a small scent of B.O and morning sleep.

The drive there was peaceful, the road was quite with only nature singing and tall trees covering the road in front with little stems making holes of light shinning through the pathway. It took twenty minutes to reach the white giant house. The house looking well looked after by the gardener who is watering the flowers on the front porch and Rose the maid wiping the front window door. She waves with her white cloth in hand to me as I drive closer in towards the front water fountain.

"Oh its so good to see you, thought you'd be gone for good this time!" Rose says in a high pitch that makes her Latin voice stands out, reaching in for a hug me; I slouch down towards her accepting her light squeeze.

"I'm just coming to pick some stuff and see how mamma is going?" My voice changing into a Latin Spanish so she understands. Her face changes expression but she tires to hide it covering her mouth and nodding her head slightly.

"You're Mum isn't here, some Mothers group club thing she had on, We made heaps of cake, I left you a plate in the fridge but your Dad's inside in the Study"

Rose has been working with my family since I was ten years old, she use to work day and night shifts but know she's at an age where she can only do day shifts.

I thank her as I say hello to the new Gardner. We have a new Gardner every three weeks so I don't bother with their names.

I enter the door without turning the door knobs, Peter the door man opens it in surprise.

"William your back, " Peter stand tall with his skinny arms and legs, his blade head shines and his uniform is perfect for a photo shoot. I don't reply to his comment pushing past him towards the wide stairs that spreads across the indoor balcony. The smell of mint tells me Father is near, I walk into my bedroom to the left side next to my parents room; I collect a few things off my night stand and my money jar in my closest hiding in one of the shoe boxes; I place it into my backpack which is now on my bed. I hear papers shuffling and footsteps getting closer; father wearing his nice dark blue suit, champagne tie and his thick glasses sitting on the edge of his nose. He stands outside my door frame half looking on his papers and the other half into my bedroom where I stand packing my clothes.

"Your Mother and I are proud your finally moving out, Clear your things by this evening but please do shut up about it; I have broad meetings all this afternoon, might run late tonight; hoping you could respect my work" He fixes his button on his right sleeve waiting for me to answer me.

"I'll respect your work like how you respect Mother" My teeth grits as my jaw starts to hurt; shoving things into my bag and turning away into the bathroom to grab my toiletry things.

"You're Mother knows it was an accident, boy would you stop playing games!"

"Me, Playing games!" I throw my right hand into the air as if I've thrown something at him.

"Yes you are" His voice is to calm that is angers me more.

"Screw you! Screw your broad meeting and your company's! You think your such a fucking know it all; Mother will soon wake up and see what she really deserves, that is hell not you!" My voice is loud I am pretty sure Rose and the Gardener could hear me screaming some words from these thick walls ; I know that Peter is somewhere hiding behind a door post and Rose will eventually quit her job if father doesn't give her a pay rise which always happens so I highly doubt it.

He didn't say anything, he just stood there smiling at me like I said something funny.

"You know what, your my son....I'll forgive what you've said. Next Monday your Mother is throwing a Golden Tea Party, I wont be there as I will be working but she expects you to be there, don't let her down you wouldn't want her to be sad just because you didn't show up right?"

He is legit a lunatic. Nothing I just said to him made an effect maybe if I'd shown him my claws a little earlier; seeing him run and beg for mercy always crosses my mind but I just cant do it; I would always see my mother, being so weak without him even though deserves it; what will become of my mother even if I was in the picture.

Father leaves my sight as I hear the office door close's. I grab my things and head downstairs to the marble kitchen; grabbing the cake from the third shelf and exit out to the drive way to my car; throwing everything at the back seats besides the cake.

My phone calls as it goes through my car on Bluetooth. I answer it without reading the name on the screen; turning on my engine.

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