Sabrina Breaking Hearts

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The weekend flew fast, after the Markets on Friday Grandma went back to the care-homes and I went to school catching up on English and then Geography was a long drag. I didn't see any of the wolf pack  and Cody was no where to be seen. Ole and Emily had a fight over something that happened on the night before so our group was divided, not that we took sides but it was getting awkward but by lunch time everything was back to normal. Saturday I went to the South beach with the family but it ended shortly because Tyson got stung by a jellyfish and had to rush to the hospital. I got apologizing text message from Cody that night but I didn't reply. We came home around dinner time and ordered pizza. By the time I went to bed I had five Unread message's from Cody. Sunday I went to the library for tutoring with William; I put my phone on silent as I'd gotten another two text message. The tutoring lasted a few hours. He didn't hint any flirtatious jokes and he didn't make fun of me for making mistakes, he definitely took this seriously. Towards the end William invites me to Hannah's party but I kindly decline leaving me home to help my Father with the gardening. Today is Monday, Its sunny and warm; I take the bus with Ole per-casual talking about our little drama's over the weekend. His Mother got engaged was the top topic of our bus trip. Ole's mother had been single for almost five years after his father past away from cancer, we'd never seen the day that her boyfriend Toby of fourteen years would ever ask for her hand and I'm glad that he'd proven us wrong. We are the third row to get off the bus as it starts blowing thick black smoke out of the back pump of the bus and into the air. Ole shoo's his right hand in front of his face to push the smoke away and the other hand grabs a hold of me turning me around to see Cody with a big bundle of red roses in his hands that hides half of his face. "I'm sorry Sabrina, Please forgive me" Ole taps at my back to say something back. I feel the warmth in my cheeks. It would be rude to say nothing back and embarrassing enough to get rejected in front of all these people. I take the red roses from Cody's hand and lean it on my right shoulder. "Thank you for these..." That's all I'm saying, not that I've forgiven him or that this is okay to do which is not at all but the flowers are a kind gesture. He nods his head and gives me a small grief smile that I hate so much. "Could I talk to you?" He puts a hand out but I don't take it. I don't feel like talking to him but I least owe him that I listen; well for the effort he did. I nod as I excuse myself from Ole. I follow him a few steps until he stops in front the school garden which isn't to far were I was before. He hasn't looked at me since he gave him the flowers. "Look, I know you wont forgive me easily about last week and I don't expect you too but I just want to say that I care for you and that if you'd give me another shot; come to prom with me" Cody says this as if he practiced this in the mirror. My throat has a lump in it as I try to put words in my mouth. Everyone eyes are on us the shakes subsides but then it kicks me in the chest; seeing Noah's blue eyes behind Cody's head "No" Then Noah's eyes turns into Williams blue eyes. I step backwards throwing the roses in the bin, they break apart; some lead in bin and others fall to the ground. Cody stands still, his face looks shocked matching a few face's around him, other's laugh and some carry on with their own business.

"Hey, are you okay?" William voice is soft and low that you can't see his lips move. He walks slightly behind me on to my right side. "Yeah I am" His index finger touches my hand lightly as we enter the Art room. The room is set up with square tables in four lines with blocks of porcelain clay on them and a clay machine is in the middle. Miss Turnabletables is a mirror matching of ours, she walks out of the craft's station room and placers five colors of paint. Orange, Brown, Black, Green, Red, Blue and Yellow. "Please take a seat were I've put you into groups of two; today will be doing clay sculpturing and to add more of a challenge you can only use these colors" I take a seat at the second row were my name is placed next to William. "What is the topic on Miss?" A girl with blue hair puts their hand up in the air asking the question . "Perfect question Penny! For this week you will be doing a clay on your most worst fears and now don't give me a fear of heights or death; I want everyone to think deeper then that " "What about zombies?" Penny voice's it loud to the class as Miss Turnable nods in agreement. "That could be a fear if it comes true, very good Penny" She bites down on her pencil and stares at her clay. Another person voice's an idea out to the class. "Spiders, there hideous!" Miss Turnable claps her hands together making her diamond glass slide to the edge of her nose. "Fantastic! On with it; you go!" William picks up the block of clay splitting it in half with a fettling knife placing my half in front of me; he gives me a big smile as he flatten his Clay. "What do have in mind that we could clay?" His hair is pushed back into a man bun leaving no curls behind that it almost look as if he'd straighten it; his eyes forcing on the clay that is now flat on the table and mine has barely been touch. "Well, if this is about fear and where both two different people, we just need to found something that we both afraid of, right? " He nods his head turning my way. " Clowns? There horrible things" His face turns into worried  expression but within a few seconds it remains relaxed and exhales a soft laugh. "What about fear of hurting? You know we and everybody don't like to feel pain and even though others hurt us, the worst is to make someone feel that, that pain of hurting even though you don't mean too it just happens" The words have came out of my mouth like a waterfall and now is laid onto the table for William, I feel stupid for suggesting the idea. "That's not a bad idea, Lets do that" William opens his thick sketch book filliping through his pagers onto a new fresh white page. It takes us about twenty minutes to finish our design on paper; It would of taken us shorter but William had to help two other girls in the class. He apologize each time he came back on the third girl who asked for his help and then the fourth one came up, he signed her to Miss Turnable which she was free to help. William draw's two Dragons fighting, one Dragon is different shades of blue and the other is Yellow and Orange; The dragon's blow's flames out from their mouths at each other. One dragon seems powerful standing tall and the other one is hunched back with its head in the flames. "Let me see yours" I slide my book in the middle of the table as he presses his finger to the paper his pinkie touches the edge of my knuckle. William pulls me in and we go in for an passionate kiss, he grabs my ass lifting me up out of the room giving me that sexy smirk of his; the bell goes off that sends me back into boring reality. William says something but I don't quite catch it as I was day dreaming but I agreed nodding at him as I grab my book and put it into my handbag that I causally loop over my head.

I wave William out heading into the hallway to my locker

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I wave William out heading into the hallway to my locker. The hallways is busy as always but there is no sight of Cody anywhere so my nervous in my belly start to ease. I unlock my locker with my pad lock taking my books out of my bag. Emily's green eyes and nose pocks in view next to my locker door that swings out and hits her right palm. "Hey, I heard about Cody and you, you want to talk about it?" Her hair is curled and her front fridge has more of a bounce in it today. I really didn't want to talk about Cody maybe apart of me feels guilty what I'd done to him but on the other half knows he deserves it. "Nah, I'm just making him suffer a bit more" A little laugh escape my mouth as Emily joins in with me, she lightly tags at my arms while exchanging things around for my next two classes after Lunch. "Your such a bad as!" She slaps her bottom that makes her shirts kick up matching the sound effect of closing my locker. Emily walk besides with an apple in her hand and a paper bag in the other. "Movie night Tomorrow; Just us Girls?" Dee and Sandy comes behind us looping there arms together. "Sounds like fun count us in!"   We walk into the cafeteria seeing Ole at the check out  of the line; his tray has a mountain top full on food of all different types to pasta from salads; he jungles a can of soda drink in his left hand and a brown paper bag  in his left under his tray. He walks in a very comfortable way when he see Emily with his baggy jean pants hanging loose that makes his legs shorter then normal.  Taking a sit at a usually table  next to Dee as Ole slides the paper brown bag to her as she opens it the smell of a chocolate date pudding awakens my sense's back into sweet life reality. She thanks him as Emily takes a sip from his soda can and Sandy takes a few chips off his tray.   He remains calm and proceeds with our conversation about what we what to do after schools finishes. Dee is aiming to get into the University of Stanford to practice of Law. in Justice, Emily and Ole are going to the same Collage in Duke; its just a couple of suburbs away were as  for Dee her University is in New York and for Sandy and I where still in limbo about it. Not sure what to do but we have some idea's like hers is a Beauty Therapist and mine would be a journalist or a Art Degree in some sort of area. They bell rings as I finish my butter and jam sandwich throwing over my side hand bag over my shoulder Sandy walks with me as we all divide in different hallways to our classes. I enter in English class room were the teacher Kev hands me a sheet of paper to a question quiz on Shakespeare; my favorite topic might I add that I know I will A's this one.  I take a sit in the third row passing Cody in the second low sitting behind him. He looks relaxed leaning on his chair as he writes something in his not book and then rips it out turning it to put it on to my table giving me a small smile that makes my knees weak.  Kev  claps his hands together and fixes his brown torso by pulling it at the end of his white shirt;   Cody turns around as he softly taps his finger against the table. **Can I make it up to you, tomorrow night please?**  I write within a few seconds making sure Kev isn't looking. **Cant, Got something on** A few seconds past where Cody nods his head and writes something else before passing it under the table. **What about Friday?** I write quickly this time and past it over to him but Kev grabs the paper instead.  "Enough of that in here" He scrunches the paper up in his fist and then throws it into a bin in front of him.  I tap Cody's left shoulder with my index finger lightly as he turns around giving him a light nod and a smile. His blue eyes springs back into life as he plays with eyebrow ring; twisting  in his chair in glee that he falls over on to his back and hitting the back of his head on to the small table beside him that send a thump noise.

***Writers Words**
Thank you for reading, please vote and let me know how you felt on this chapter? Thank you once again!

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