Sabrina's Coyote Friend

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"Its just a coyote!" I hear my voice echo. I'm in Rushmore Collage in the basketball stadium standing in the middle,  The coyote stands in front of me with its white fur standing up on edge with blood smearing across its back and its teeth on show with blood dripping down on the shiny brown floor. 

Noah is standing next to the coyote on the right side wearing his suit from his funeral, I only can see the top half as the bottom half has flames covering his legs and Teresa is on the left side flames covering her whole body expect her face leaving me to see her worn out face. The only beautiful thing on her was the flowers in her burnt hair.

"She's a killer" Teresa whispers it out loud and then the room fills with small different whispers for a few seconds and then it stops.

"She didn't love me"  Noah cuts his chest with a small hunters knife throwing his heart out in front of him still beating the coyote runs at it.

I scream running toward Noah's heart as the coyote's jaw opens wide my right hand grabs it and the other shoots a magnet of fire waves pushing Teresa and the coyote away.

Noah stands still turning pale as I try putting the heart back but the heart turns to ash and so does Teresa and the coyote.

"I'm Sorry" My voice sounds low as I feel a tire fall down my cheek.

Noah touches my chin with his middle finger making me look into his lifeless eye.

"Don't be Sad, you'll choose better next time"  He gives me a small smile before turning into ash.

Everything turns black as I feel my eyeballs moves side to side; I open my eyelids feeling the bed mattress on my back full of sweat, I slide my bed sheets over me at the same time as my alarm clock goes off  just in time to get ready for another day of school.  I open my cabinet to all my clothes all neat and organised by color coordination to make it easy for me to pick from. I choose to wear a blue top with a funny exercise quote on it "I run...even though I'm slower the a herd of  turtles, I still run"  and blue jeans with my black Asics shoes.

I hear a knock at the door as I finish getting changed I go into the bathroom,

"Good Morning, Mother's made you some lunch for today so you don't need to eat the cafeteria's food st school for today" Father stand in the middle of my room with his blue night grown on.

I thank him as I put on light make up and turn on the straighter.

"Did you have good night? Well its not like we didn't hear anything here at one in the morning?"  His voice sounding sarcastic

"Yeah sorry about that, my friends Ben & Sandy were ar...drunk"

"The festival had alcohol there?"   He walks to the bath room and stop beside the door frame leaning on it with his elbow.

"They got some on the way, don't worry I was just hypo from the Fairy Floss that Cody got me " I feel bad for lying about what they really took but my parents would make more drama out of it if I told the truth. I finish straightening my hair as I walk past my dad lighting a candle on my nightstand just by a click of my fingers and burn sage incense.

"Just be careful, remember your training" Dad turns around as my mother enter's my room.

"Of course she'll remember, don't be silly"  Mum winks at  dad as I put of the candle and smudge laying down in a hippy bowl.

I love how my mother is so confident in me when I almost lost it yesterday night with the coyote in front my new friends.

"Thanks Mum" Dad and Mother follow me out of my room as I go down stairs, Tyson throws a ham & cheese toast at me as I catch it.

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