I didn’t follow her immediately, but was close enough. She walked in, shaking off the tension and putting on a smile. She’s good, I thought.

Lucy might recognize her. It doesn’t matter. She barely pays attention to anyone but herself.

I watched as someone almost took the same seat I had reserved for Lucy in my mind, but she narrowly beat the couples to it by stretching her hand.

Lucy and the old man didn’t seem to notice. Yeah! I’m going to call him old man because I have no more respect for him. She drew the seat back out and I smiled. She’s done this before, she doing super great.

  I remained in my sit watching them closely when Rose came over. I could read it in on her cloth. Rose is the same server I have been wrecking havoc on all night.

“What do you want to have tonight ma’am” I removed the menu from my face totally and saw her faking a smile at me.

“I’ll have water.” I told her.

“OK,” she grimaced before turning to leave

I grabbed her hand before she could leave

“I’m sorry about the other time. I wasn’t myself.” She sighed after I told her the truth.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry too” she smiled at then walked away.

Not long after, Daria rose and made her way towards me. She didn’t spare me a glance, but she tapped the edge of the table. I knew it’s our cue to leave.
I stood up and followed shortly after.
I entered the car and breathed a sigh of relief.

“What did they say? What did you hear?” I asked.

“Easy there. You promised you’d tell me why I just did that,” she said, pointing and shifting in her chair till we sat face to face.

“I swear” I replied

“She talks about money. Then asked him to give her some money. She also said you needed to go and that he had to do it soon. They didn’t really say much, but then they switched to talking about sex and that they gave details about.” She scowled.

I grimaced, and she laughed and turned in the ignition. I was deep in thought. Everything added up except the part where they had to do something to me. Would they try to kill me?

“Is that it?”

“Not quite. He mentioned an inheritance.”

“Really? What did he say?”

”He said he’s trying to do something about the inheritance. And it could fetch more money. I don’t know.” She shrugged.

“Your turn, miss.” She tapped me on the arm and I knew what she wanted, so I told her everything from the beginning. The whole damn thing.

“And I actually thought it’s because you hated white guys,” she said and I looked up at her in confusion


“I was talking about Ralph,” she added
I smiled. “That’s the only thing you could pick out from all this?” I asked, and she shrugged, her eyes dancing in amusement.

“Well, to answer your question, I’d totally date an oyinbo. And FYI Ralph isn’t my type”

“Oyin yi bo? What’s that?”

“That is what we call white people in Nigeria,” I explained, trying not to laugh at how she called oyinbo.

“Oh! I think you should tell him. I mean Demilade. Tell him everything, every single detail”

“I don’t know. What If he doesn’t take it well? We all became a real thing, some only soon. I can’t ruin it.”

“Lying to him will ruin you both. He needs to know something is about to go down. That way, he can protect himself.”

I looked at her, thinking about what she said. I know she makes sense, but I am just scared.

“We are here”, she told me and I turned my head swiftly. I was home. The thought of seeing Demilade filled me with joy.

I got out of the car." Thank you so much for today and I’m really sorry."

“No problem. I had fun. It’s been a while. Playing detective is a lot of fun.”

“I knew you’ve done it before,” I said and she laughed

“Have I? Goodnight.” she waved and drove off

I headed for the house. It was 8 already. I met Demilade sleeping on the couch. He must have drifted off while waiting for me. I covered him up with a towel and headed for the room. I locked the doors, not caring if the old man would come home or not.

“Hey.” I turned back and Demilade was waking up

“Hi.” I walked up to him.

“Where have you been?” He asked

“We had things to sort out at work so we had to stay awhile.”

“Okay. How are you? I tried so hard not to sleep but I couldn’t help me. It was a hard day at work.”

“Did he show up there?” I asked.

“Oh! Definitely. But let’s not talk about him.”

“Alright. Should we head inside?”


The Heart Wants What It Wants (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora