An hour later and I was finally done putting everything away. I looked to the clock which read 6:37. Wow that took me a long time. It didn't help that I got distracted on my phone from time to time, but at least it's done now and the kitchen is clean.

I grabbed the pre-made sandwich that I bought for dinner and left the kitchen. I made my way to the living room to continue watching tv. Entertainment Tonight ended so I scrolled though the guide to see what else was on.

A couple episodes passed of a random show I picked when I heard Shawn's door open again. He came out wearing a pair of shoes, dark sunglasses, and a jacket with the hood pulled over his head.

"Where are you-" I began.

"I'm leaving." He grumbled before heading out the door. Where was he going? It was nearly midnight.

I shook my head. He can do whatever he wants. I don't care.

Somewhere around 2 am, my cell phone began to ring. My eyes slowly opened and I sleepily rolled over in bed to grab it off the night stand. Who the hell is calling me at this time?

I squinted to see who it was. Shawn. I rolled my eyes and ignored the call. Whatever he needed, he could do himself.

I turned back over to my other side and curled up in my blankets once again, closing my eyes to fall back asleep. I just got comfy when I heard my phone ring again. This time I groaned, frustratedly grabbed my phone and put it to my ear.

"What?!" I snapped into the phone.

"Hello, um, is this Cassie?" A voice asked that I didn't recognize. I immediately sat up.

"Oh I'm sorry, is this Shawn's phone?" I asked in a softer tone than before. Who is this and how do they have Shawn's phone?

"Yes, sorry, this is Shawn's phone! I work at the Grey Roots bar on Yonge Street." So that's where he went earlier. To drink. I forgot the drinking age in Canada is 19. "You need to get down here. He's drunk and I think something serious might be about to go down. I'm trying to diffuse the situation, but it's not working. I've never seen him this messed up. I called the cops,  but you should come before they get here. He's a regular here and one of my friends so I won't tell anyone about this. Your contact was his first on speed dial." He rushed out.

"Is Shawn okay?" I asked unsure. I know I'm trying to not care about him anymore, but I couldn't help my increase in heart rate.

I heard some commotion on the other end of the line. I could hear Shawn's voice above the rest. "And what the fuck are you going to do about it?!" Then a crash.

"Hey-" it sounded like the guy on the phone dropped it and ran somewhere. I heard some crashes on the other end of the line, then some yelling. I gasped.

I heard quick footsteps coming back to the phone.

"Come now!" He said out of breath. "Hurry!" And then the line went dead.

What the fuck has he gotten himself into? What if he gets recognized or the paparazzi find him? They'll surely make it into a story. We don't need his reputation getting any worse than it is right now. I closed my eyes and placed a hand on my forehead, frustrated.

I can't believe Shawn is making me do this right now.

I stomped out of bed and grabbed a pair of shoes, not bothering to change from the pajamas that I was wearing. I put on a hoodie, grabbed my keys and phone, and left.

I think the guy on the phone said the name of the bar was Grey Roots, so I typed it into my maps app. Then I was off.

I locked the door on my way out and hopped into the elevator. As soon as the elevator reached the bottom floor and I exited the building and ran down the street in the direction of the bar. It wasn't too far. I didn't care about that though. There were more pressing matters at hand.

Love Me Not (Shawn Mendes)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant