~Great. Another Update.~

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Haha sorry as embarrassing as having two updates in a row, I just wanted to update you on how my writing process is going.

I'm not gonna lie. I haven't done much. The past couple of days have been a crap ton of almost complete garbage and I haven't found the time or motivation to write.

I'm super duper sorry, but to make it up to you I'm am going to be posting as many chapters that I have saved up, cause I think I have a couple? I'm not sure. I'm not sure about anything anymore, I've lost all common sense. Anyways. Sorry for the stupidly long wait to continue reading my book.

I haven't given up, just a lot of times I lose motivation to write. It only lasts about a week and I'm back to the grind.

So sorry for the wait, and thank you for being patient. Also thank you for the love. I really appreciate it🥰

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