~"look what you're doing to me!"~

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The sky had no stars. The stars were scared and hid quietly behind the dark clouds.

Just like I wish I could hide like the stars too. Maybe just in the moment though.

We all trudged up to the spikes, the memories, I mean the nightmares haunting us. Those thoughts haunted all of us, more than others.

Bugs and crickets chirped a song, a warning, not a song. A song is more like a relaxing tune of a guitar in the afternoon by a warm fire, or a quiet tune chirped by a small bird in the early morning. This was more of a broken chord, telling us we should leave, like the blaring noise before a jump scare in a horror movie.

Everyone paused before the pikes, and threw our weapons on the grass with a thud.

I let out a shaky sigh and watched the dark horizon in front of us, behind the spikes, where only a few months ago our friends sat reincarnated into the zombies that walk our land, we stood right next to them; putting down our weapons, surrendering to the enemy that will soon stand on the other side of the wooden sticks.

We stood, and waited. Every minute felt like days.

I stood in front of Tara's pike. Blankly. My brain felt like it shut down. Her smile, I miss her fist bumps and her nicknames. I never realized the missing piece that was left here when she died.

I threw my slingshot below, and my knives. I walked and stood on Carols left, and Daryl stood on my left.

After a couple more minutes, Daryl walked around impatiently. Watching the land in front of us, I slowly made my way to the ground. I curled up and closed my eyes, taking a quick nap.

"Heads up."

I got five minutes, why can't I have more time to sleep!

The groans and growls of walkers echoed from across the wide field. I jumped onto my feet and watched them get closer. Either it's a wave coming in, or it's Alpha.

Soon enough, the walkers reached us. Or what someone would think were sickos.

Everyone danced around on their heels, waving their bodies side to side. Fidgeting with their body armor and clothes that laid on their body.

I blinked and stood up tall, three "sickos" pulled out of the horde of the dead. The middle one, creeped up, the familiar face of the dead woman.

She lifted her hands and pulled the mask off with one swift action. My heart jumped and grabbed carols left hand, she looked down and I felt her gaze burn through the side of my head but I didn't take my eyes off the enemy in front of us.

The woman marched up to the boarder, "there was one rule between our people." Alpha paused, getting closer, her southern accent leaked through her words, "one law, stay where you are."

The evil woman creeped up to the sticks that marked the boarder, I backed up in disgust. "Yet you disobey."

"That fire would've destroyed your land," daryl fought back. "Fire's nature to burn. We have no conflict with nature."

"It could've wiped out one of our communities. We were not gonna sit back and let that happen. You can understand that." Michonne spoke up, her voice stern. "We crossed one time."

"Three times." Alpha added on, looking at michonne with disbelief. I tensed up at her words. She knows, we can't not trust our feeling of them "not knowing" they will always know.

"During the fire, you walked my land. During the winter storm, you walked my land. During your search along the river, you and the man with the metal arm walked my land." Everyone stared at Alpha, eyes wide and shaking hands.

Lost and Found-TWDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora