~"i love you too, stupid."~

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We were sent back to the house after the stupid vote. Everyone was freaking out except Magna, cause all she wants to do is fight the people of Alexandria. Luke sat on the armchair, and I sat on the couch with my legs and arms crossed. Connie and Kelly were standing next to Magna. And of course Yumiko is still healing in the infirmary.

"Sorry. That Michonne women set me up." Magna mumbled as she paced around the room, I just rolled my eyes at her stupid comment. Connie waved her hands around, "you could've ditched the knife! Did you think the girl was going to hurt us?"

"You screwed up Magna!" Kelly angrily walked over to Magna. "We did not know how things were gonna play out. I wanted us to have options." I just kept rolling my eyes at her comments.

"Hand it over." Luke ordered to the woman. "Yumiko's necklace. Come on!" Magna just stared at him like he is from another planet. "Magna! Stop looking at us like we speak different languages and hand the freaking knife over!" I pretty much yelled at her, my eyes pierced through her like knives. She didn't even flinch. Connie just shifted, showing obvious disappointment in Magna.

She whipped the necklace over her head. And played with it a little bit. Then held it out to Luke, but pulled it back to her body. "We can't just go back out there!" She yelled, looking at all of us. Luke sighed and put his head in his hands. "With out our stuff! Horses! Or anything! How long would we last?!"

"We ride it out, day by day. We're not going to die." Luke told Magna, he looked around at the rest of us for support. "Look, we've done it before. We've walked hundreds of miles! We can survive!" I added on to Luke's statement. Connie and Kelly nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yeah. That worked out great," Magna put up her hand to her heart, "for Bernie right?" She mocked and started walking away. When Connie quickly walked over to Magna tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention. I read her hand motions like a book. "Stop."

"If Bernie could see this place, see what life we could live, you know he would want us to have it. Right?!" Magna's eyes filled with tears. I glared right through her, she betrayed me, betrayed my trust, my sisters trust, Luke's trust, and even Miko's. 

"We don't have a choice." Luke told her truthfully.

"We fight! As always. We fight." Magna tried to pursue us to kill.

Silence set upon us as my older sister "spoke"

"No. Leave that woman alone!" Connie signed. "They got to this point for a reason."

"They had their own Coalport, whatever. So we get Miko and get out. If that's our fate, so be it." I sighed realizing the truth of what she said, we will have to live with it. It is what it is.

"Are you going to translate?" Connie asked Kelly, pointing to Magna.

"You don't think we should at least try to convince Michonne?" Kelly asked her. I let out a defeated laugh, we really can't let it be can we?

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