~"We're the highwayMen."~

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We all sat in the back of the Wagon. I don't like being separated from Magna, Luke, Yumiko and Kelly. I really don't like it at all, my ears rung and I feel a constant pull towards my sister. I need to be over there with her, why can't I just move? I'm not a kid. 

I played with my knife, I watched it twirl around. The pointy end of the knife pierced through my skin on my pointer, every bump in the road caused the knife to poke a little hole in my skin. I still played with it though. I don't really care much about a little scratch. "Are you excited for the fair?" A voice asked, I looked up and Addy sat next to me.

 I didn't realize that she snuck up by me. "Yeah. Have you been to the fair before?" I asked her and didn't glance up from my knife. 

"Many times. I promise you, you'll like it." Addy smiled at me, she pushed her glasses up her nose with her finger. I didn't say anything to her after that. We aren't really on good terms. All three of us are not on good terms like at all.

"Hey, what are you doing with the knife?" Rodney asks me, his usual smirk was plastered on his face.

"Nothing, why?" I sassed at him.

 "You're bleeding." Gage pointed out. 

"No way, I didn't notice!" I said sarcastically, while spinning the knife around. 

He just rolled his eyes, cause he didn't know what to say, or how to fight back. Rodney laughed and pushed Gage's shoulder. I put my knife back angrily, and looked forward. Kelly, Magna, Luke, and Yumiko sat in the wagon with Tara, Earl, and Tammy, also the baby. Which I absolutely adore and I'm happy that Earl and Tammy got to take care of him. Cause they lost a child of theirs a few years ago.

Another wagon was In the very front with some supplies, and some of the Hilltop guards. Also there are just a few random people who wanted to tag along.

Tara yelled for everyone to stop, I looked around confused when I saw a tree in the way.

"We've got to get this out of the way, start cutting."

I hoped out of the wagon and ran up to Tara. "We can set up a perimeter." Yumiko suggested Tara nodded her head. Yumiko and Magna walked off.

Earl and Tammy sat in the wagon still. The baby fussed a little but was instantly quieted as he was rocked back and forth.

I picked up sticks and threw them into the woods. Kelly hopped out of the wagon. "Hey, is there anything I can do? I'm kinda going crazy over here." I stood up and dropped the wood that I held.

 "Connie's gonna be okay, she's with Daryl." I walked over to my sister and hugged her. 

"She'll be okay." I mumbled, my words sounded more like I was trying to convince myself more than anything. 

Yumiko walked over and smiled, "Yeah and Daryl's gonna be okay cause he's with Connie." I let out a small laugh at Yumiko's joke. "True. Very true."

"They've got dog too, dogs a good help." I smiled, our little pep talk cheered up Kelly a little. She started pulling sticks into the woods. Just like everyone else.

The "kids" stayed in the wagon though, except Addy actually decided to help. But the two boys they were just talking and messing around.

Yumiko and Magna decided to go check up the road, make sure it was clear. I wanted to go with them, but no. So I stayed here to worry about my sister, Daryl, and Henry. Even though I know they are going to be okay.

I also had to listen to Addy, Rodney, and Gage be annoying. "Hey! Is there any way in hell that you guys can tone it down a bit. You don't need to be drawing the dead to us." Gage stood up and Addy stopped him, by putting her hand to his chest.

"She's right, we're being loud." Gage rolled his eyes and sat back. I scoffed and jumped off of the wagon.

"Tara, can I please sit in a different wagon. I can't handle them." I looked towards the teens. "Umm, sure. You can sit with the guards, up front."

I smiled at her, "my god, thank you." She laughed and glanced back to Gage and Rodney fighting, "Yeah I know what you mean. They are seriously annoying."

Miko and Magna ran over to us, "Hey Tara, sickos!"

"How many?" Tara stopped working and gave the axe to another guard. "Ten? It's hard to tell they're coming out of the trees."

"We can kill them." Kelly told Tara. "Well yeah, but if could also be those psychos dressed in the skins."

"Earl can you hitch the horses?"

"I'm on it." Earl hopped down for the wagon.

"Kal, Oscar with me!"

"You four," Tara pointed at me, Addy, Rodney, and Gage "stay here, and stay sharp."

Tara, Yumiko, Magna, Luke, Kelly, and the two guards ran off towards where Yumiko and Magna stayed to watch.

A couple people chopped the tree so we could be on our way.

I looked around, Gage, Addy and Rodney had spears. I had my knife and my slingshot.

I ran over to my wagon and grabbed my slingshot. The moans of sickos filled the air as the dead came out from in the woods. There is a lot of them. Gage and Rodney look terrified, their face drained of color, and their hands shook.

We all fought the dead that got near. I aimed my slingshot that the sickos head, it fell to the ground with a thud. Hands grabbed my shoulders, "Wren behind you!" Tammy yelled out to me. I turned quickly, and kicked it's knee out. Then I stabbed it in the head. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and turned back around to the sickos. 

Rodney stabbed a few sickos, and so did Gage. Until one sicko got the upper hand on Gage and pinned him to the wagon. He yelled but before he got bit, I put a rock from my slingshot right through the dead's head. He looked at me and nodded, silently thanking me before going back to killing them.

I turned around when I started to hear baby cries. Tammy started to put him in the make shift safety cradle. Earl tumbled to the ground. I ran over but before I could kill the dead, Tammy had already stuck a crow bar through its head. I shot and killed two more of the dead. Addy stabbed a sicko that stood behind me and almost bit me right in the shoulder.

The noise of horses hooves clicking on the pavement caught my attention. At first I thought that our horses, our only way to get to the kingdom were running away, but no.

People were riding horses towards us. I ran over to Tara to give her a warning. But they made it there before I could make it to her. I killed a sicko and ran over there. "Who the hell are you?" I asked them. "We're the highwaymen. We keep the highway to the kingdom safe, at your service." My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. What in the world?!

Tara and the guy just stared at eachother, but then we all went back to killing. Until every single sicko is dead. We all hoped into the wagon. I grabbed my guitar and walked over to the guards wagon. "Hey, kids wagon is back there."

"First, I'm not a kid. Second, Tara said I could sit here."

Oscar looked back at Tara, she nodded her head.

"Kay, come on."


Hi! This is gonna be a short chapter because the last chapter was super long. So I decided to make this one short.

I guess I'll see you in the next chapter. ✌🏻❤️

(edited 10/5/21)

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