~Fifty Hours and Counting~

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My day started about an hour ago, the second the sun rose above the horizon, the second the light flowered above the trees.

Three hours later two people on walker watch were told to go out and kill the walkers on their way out. Later finding a horde.

Two hours later, Michonne called out her groups. We collected as many people as possible.

I was told to stay in the walls. Aarons group went out, I wanted to go with.

Daryl put me on kid watch, I watched Judy, R.J, Gracie, and the other kids. I was really pissed at him, and didn't speak to him for a good three hours after my afternoon job.

He knows how much i like to help outside the walls, inside it can just be so suffocating.

Over thirteen hours of fighting, and a bandage check on my legs, many groups of fighters, and Aaron's group arrived after seven hours of being outside the walls.

To make it up with me, Daryl brought me with to the meeting.

"They keep coming from the direction of the boarder. Just a constant wave after wave." Aaron spoke out, tiredly.

"This is her." Carol broke in the conversation, I nodded quietly, agreeing.

Michonne made the final call, "you know your training. Lock it down." Everyone nodded and agreed, spreading out to do their job. Locking up the walls, telling people to put themselves in their home, and to never come out unless told.

Finally an hour later we finished cleaning up everything, more sickos arrived at the walls. Daryl handed me a machete and we all stood at the walls, waiting for the wave of the dead to arrive.

We fought, for a good five hours. Until the sun set below the trees, only the moon to light up and show us what we were doing.

Twenty-Two hours.
More fighting, killing the dead.
Lots of arguing between Aaron, Daryl and I.

"You are done fighting for tonight damnit!"

"Wren, listen to Daryl, you're injured."

"You both aren't my father, you don't have a right to tell me what to do!"


Twenty-Four hours.
More walkers, the sunlight kissed the sky and turned it blue. Finally able to see around us.

Daryl refused to look at me, I felt horrible. I released my anger and frustration out on the dead.

For...seven more hours.

Daryl disappeared for a few hours, a couple hours ago. When he finally arrived, I turned quickly to look at him and collapsed onto the cement in exhaust. He ran up and picked me up quickly, I jumped up onto my feet and took a breath in. "You need to get outta here, you're gonna get hurt...more than you already are," Daryl spoke roughly, his southern accent poked through every other word.

He took me back and allowed me to rest, I only could get about four hours of sleep before I was back on my feet fighting for another two hours.

Thirty-Seven hours.
The sky turned dark and the stars filled the sky, everyone took shifts. Except me, I kept fighting trying to pay back my debt in not fighting the fire a couple days ago.

It needs to be done.

Forty-Four hours.
More killing, death, blood, and more and more walkers.

Forty-Eight hours.
A break, finally.
The sun was up in the sky again, no walkers to be found around Alexandria.

We all finally were at ease.

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