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Magna and I stayed like this for a little while. No one spoke, or moved. We just watched the sunrise. It was comfortable and peaceful, it's something that we haven't had for months.

More movement came from underneath us. "Wren?!" Someone whispered, "Magna!?" A different voice asked from the first. I sighed quietly and stood up on the metal storage container. 

"We're up here." Magna replied in a normal tone. "Well get down here now." Magna jumped down, then reached up to help me get to the ground safely. I landed with a thud, and we both speed walked inside. "What's wrong?" Magna and I asked at the same time.

Connie was on the floor on her hands and knees. Her eyes closed. Sickos. She feels sickos. "They could be coming anytime soon. We need to leave." Yumiko ordered, out of fear everyone got up and started packing everything they could.

I ran over to my stuff, packing my little bag. I quickly went through my bag to see if I had everything.

Slingshot. Check.
Knife. Check.
Photo. Check.
Food. Sorta check. We don't have much.

I have everything, there's still a lot left but I can't chance taking all of it. I turned around to face the group. Connie quickly packed hers and Kelly's stuff. Kelly kept watch. Magna has her stuff already packed up, so she helped Luke. Yumiko is running around like a crazy person. "They're here!" Kelly called out.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. I signed to Connie that they are here. I grabbed my bag and pulled out my knife.

There are dozens of them. Connie grabbed a rock and started smashing their heads in. I grabbed a rock and chucked it at a sicko. It fell to the ground dead for the second time.

Sickos started slowly circling us. "We're trapped!" I screamed. Yumiko tripped and fell after tackling a sicko that was going to get my sister. She hit her head hard on a rock. I sprinted over to Yumiko, slinging her arm over my shoulders and picking her up. Magna ran over to help me, because I can't support Yumiko by myself.

"I'll take her." Luke told me, and took my spot.

We all forced our backs together and killed the dead that got too close. But they are all getting wayyy too close. And there are way too many. "Come on! Keep fighting!" Magna yelled trying to give us strength to fight for our lives. "Knives up! Kill them when they get close!" Yumiko ordered. Kelly and I ran around killing every so often. One grabbed me, it's cold fingers wrapped around my right shoulder.

Gunshots fired off, killing the dead grabbing me and the sickos and making a path for us to escape. "Come on this way! It's clear!" A tiny little voice from the forest echoed out. I stood in shock, but not for long. 

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