~"It's all your fault."~

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I jolted awake, and instantly regretted the quick movements as pain rushed through my body.

I looked around and realized I've got no shirt on, or pants.

A lump in my throat formed instantly as my eyes filled with tears. I couldn't even fight back. I tried and I failed. I looked around for my clothes and found them a couple feet away. I stood up and groaned as I did so. My body is covered in bruises. From head to toe.

I grabbed my blood covered shirt and slid it on my sore body, I tried to get my jeans back on but I failed as I hit the floor with a thud. I sobbed into the dirt, quietly. The whisperer must've untied me after I passed out. I looked at my wrists, rope burns covered and my skin is completely raw.

I tripped over my feet as I unsteadily walked towards a nearby field. When the pikes slowly came into view, my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. He didn't even go far. Why didn't he take me super far away?

I started following the trail that I took here, trying not to trip on roots. I think anyone could mistake me for the dead. I'm covered in blood, I'm limping, and every step I take I groan because it's like I'm walking through fire.

I walked in slow silence. The silence is more painful than my wounds. As I limped closer to hilltop, I instantly felt happy as I thought of seeing Daryl and my sisters again. Sticks cracked behind me, and groans filled the air. "Shit." I muttered under my breath as I tried to limp faster. Don't turn around. Keep going.

I got tackled by the ground by the dead, I rolled over so I could hold it away from me. I put my left hand on its chest and held it while I searched for my knife. It's breath got hotter on my neck so I gave up looking for my knife. I reached and put my hands on the front of its shoulders and pushed with all the energy I had. But as the deadhead put all of its weight on me, I instantly felt tired.

"Help. Please." I tried to yell out but my voice just cracked. This is it. This is how I die. By a sicko. I survive a whisperer, but not a sicko?

The groans of the dead shut up as an arrow went through the side of its head. I chucked the dead to the side, I tired to steady my breathing but it wouldn't go back to normal. And before I could look over and see who saved me, the world got fuzzy and everything went black.


"It's all your fault!" I heard a scream as I opened my eyes quickly to see the pikes again. "Where am I?" I looked around and realized I'm back at the pikes. The night it happened.

Michonne and Siddiq stood side by side sobbing from the loss of friends. Yumiko stood there crying.  Daryl and Carol hugged.

"It's all your fault."

"Huh?" I asked as I turned around to see Tara and then Henry.

"It's all your fault." I turned back around to Michonne and them. They just stood there standing and staring at me with no emotion on there face.

"It's all your fault!" They all started screaming. My breathing picked up and I felt like I'm being suffocated.

"It's all your fault!!"

"Please stop." I tried to convince them but they just kept chanting and screaming at me.


My eyes slowly started to open. I lay in bed, connected to IV's.
"She's awake." I turned my head to see my sisters. "Hey Wren." They both smiled at me happily, worry filled their eyes though. I just looked at them, why don't I know them. I know them but I don't. Why can't I bring myself to say anything?

~<third person>~

Wren stared at her two sisters like they just met. Connie and Kelly exchanged confused looks, but went back to looking at their little sister. Kelly reaches her hand out and held onto Wren's hand.

"Do you remember us? We're your sisters." Kelly told Wren. Wren looked at them and gave them a little smile. Wren couldn't talk. Like her voice is just taken away from her. If she speaks, she'll be killed. That simple thought ran through her mind, constantly on repeat. 

Wren squeezed her sister's hand. The door of the infirmary swung open as Daryl bursted in the door anxiously.

"Hey." Daryl nodded his head to both of the two older sisters of Wren. "She's quiet. Like she's gone mute." Kelly told Daryl, her voice cracking every other word. Kelly instantly broke and started crying, Connie wrapped her arms around and comforted her sister.

"Wren. Can you tell me who did this?" Daryl asked Wren quietly, she shook her head slowly in response. "Come on Wren, please talk to me." Daryl put a hand on her shoulder making her flinch. He lifted his hand off right away, but he looked at her sisters with concern.

"You think..?" Daryl didn't continue his sentence, knowing the Girls have already came to that conclusion. They both nodded slowly, "we know, doctor did the test." Wren slowly started to dose off. Her eyes fluttered and struggled to stay awake.

"It's okay Wren. Get some rest." Kelly reassured her. Wren finally gave it up and passed out. Daryl stood there in shock. Just staring at her. He looked at her poor beaten up face, and the bruise on her arms and the stitches on her left cheek.

Anger started to boil in his gut. He wants to kill whoever did this, and make sure it never happens again. Daryl burst out the door, with Kelly and Connie on his tail.

Daryl strode to his bike. "Hey! You can't just go." Kelly told him. Connie got out her notebook.

"I've gotta find who did this."

"You don't have to Daryl. Stay here." Connie twisted her hand around and showed Daryl the notebook.

"Nah." Daryl started up his Motorcycle, and the gates of Hilltop swung open.

And just like that, Daryl rode off quicker than ever out of hilltop.

~<Wren's POV>~

Daryl's been gone for the entire day. He's on the search for the man who hurt me. I haven't spoke yet. I feel like I can't. Like my voice is gone. I've been wanting to talk, I've spoke with sign language but they want me to use my real voice. 

I hung out by myself for most of the day. Just reading. I'm almost done with another comic book. I think I have 25 pages left. I set my book down after marking my page with my bookmark. And I pushed myself out of the chair.

My body hurts so bad. I've got nasty purple and blue bruises all over me. It's disgusting.

When I stepped out, the refreshingly cool air hit my face. Kids laughed and screamed. There are no more kids my age. Gage moved to Alexandria to get a fresh start. Even if he was here I still wouldn't hang out with him. He's still an idiot.

The sound of Daryl's motorcycle echoes around Hilltop. I walked quickly over towards him. I can't run, cause it hurts.

I smiled as he turned around towards me. He just sorta glared at me, but also looked at me with pity. My eyebrows fused together in confusion. I just stood next to him. Waiting for a hello. But I never got one. He brushed past me and kept walking to the place he's staying. My face immediately fell as I watched him walk away angrily.

My heart slowly sank to the bottom of my chest as I walked off towards my trailer. I was so excited to see him. I wish I could ask him what's wrong. I want to scream, I want to scream at the world, at him, at myself.

But I can't.


Hiii! I didn't really like this chapter too much. I guess it's sorta boring, so sorry for that. I think there might be another time skip next chapter but I'm unsure.


(edited 10/6/21)

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