~"Be more considerate."~

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The drapes were ripped open, by a figure, but I didn't open my eyes at all. The sun shined threw the window, spreading its light around the room. Blinding me, but I refuse to get up. I groaned and rolled around painfully. This couch isn't very comfortable to sleep on, I think the floor would have been more comfortable. 

"Hey. Come on time to get ready and go." Someone shook me slowly, I just groaned and turned away from them, I sighed as my eyes burned from the sun. They shook me again, and I'm guessing the strange person shaking me is Kelly. "Wren, come on. We're leaving." I got off the couch slowly, throwing the heavy blanket to the side. "Good morning." A mumble came from the arm chair, Luke sat up rubbing his eyes. "Good morning Luke." I smiled at him.

I got up and calmly woke up Connie. "Good morning." She smiled, "Good morning, Wren."

Magna walked through the front door, into the living room. I didn't even look at her, I'm pretty sure she didn't look at me. "Come on. Time to go." She picked up her bag, and started talking about something with Luke. I whipped my bag over my shoulder, and threw the door open. Slamming the door once again, mostly on accident but the anger from last night still lingered in my head. 

D.j stood out side on the sidewalk. "You're a door slammer." He smirked, I didn't look up from the wooden porch. 

"Sorry." I mumbled under my breath. "Um...Siddiq, Father Gabe and a couple other are over there if you want to walk over." D.j pointed over by the entrance, where a group of people stood. "Thanks."

I speed walked over to the group, hoping no one will catch up to me. I looked around at Alexandria, kids played on a little area, which Connie told me it was called a "playground" and people worked and walked around. People sat down in the farm and picked tomatoes, and pulled weeds. Nobody gave a crap if they were loud or not. They didn't care. They didn't care, because they are safe. They don't need to worry about the dead, or even crazy people. Because they are safe behind these tall, strong metal walls.

Footsteps hit the sidewalk behind me. Today is not my lucky day.

Magna walked beside me. Her mouth was slightly open like she was gonna say something, but the loudest thing is silence that hung over us. "Um...Hey, look I'm sorry for yesterday. I was stupid." She sighed and stared at her feet.

I stayed quiet, thinking of what I am going to say next. "I accept your apology... dumbass." We both let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" A squeaky voice piped up, scaring me a little. Judith stood in front of us smiling, we slowed and started to walk next to the little one.

"Oh, it's nothing." I assured her, letting out my last laugh. "It sure didn't sound like nothing." I rolled my eyes playfully. "She called me a dummy." Magna teased saw. Judith looked up, "No, I heard dumbass, not dummy." We both exchanged glances, uncomfortably. 

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