Chapter 26: Romance Between the Two Seekers

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"Ah yes. This outfit is perfect. What do you think Kalie?" Lesley looked at herself in the mirror and looked at her owl that was perched on her bed.

She wore a white blouse and a brown soft jacket for her top and paired it off with ripped jeans. To complete the outfit she put on some white sneakers and a golden necklace that dangled on her neck. Her hair was in a fishtail and her blue clip was on one side of her hair.

Kalie hooted a yes in response.

"Thanks Kalie, I'm wearing this for my date with Paxley. Please don't tell Granger about this," pleaded Lesley to which Kalie answered with a confused expression.

Luckily Lesley was alone in the common room. Most of the Gryffindors went outside during weekends. Some of them visited Hogsmeade. Lesley grabbed her brown bag, put her wand in, and went out of the bedroom. Kalie was left alone with Freya's cat, Angel, who climbed up to her owner's bed.

Lesley went down to dorm's stairs and went pass through the common room's sofa. She was almost out of the room when Granger saw her. He was sitting in the sofa and took notice of Lesley's outfit.

"Hey Lesley. Why are you dressed up today?" Granger commented.

"Granger hey," Lesley spluttered, she tried to hide the fret in her actions, "I'm just going to Hogsmeade."

However Granger didn't believe her excuse. She was too fidgety in his opinion, as if she was hiding something from him. He asked Lesley if he could come with her but the latter refused, only to confirm his suspicions. Lesley insisted that she's just going to Hogsmeade by herself and nothing more.

"By yourself? Or do you have a boyfriend who's the reason why you're so beautiful today?" Granger raised his eyebrows. "Besides, it's really snowy in Hogsmeade right now."

"I know but I have a scarf p-plus I don't have a boyfriend!" Lesley's eyes widened. "Just because I'm beautiful doesn't mean I have a boyfriend. Anyway, I'm in rush. See you later."

Lesley left Granger in the common room. He shrugged off his suspicions about her actions and laid back on the sofa to read the 'Daily Prophet' newspaper he picked up from the table.

"I think my bestfriend already has a boyfriend. Who could he be?" Granger mumbled.

Lesley was passing through the corridors and went outside of Hogwarts right now. Once she went out, a cold breeze came towards her, way colder than last time. Lesley shivered as she crossed her arms tightly. She thought that winter would be falling out sooner so took out of her Gryffindor scarf and wrapped it. As many young witches and wizards went by, Lesley continued walking, going through Hogsmeade and The Three Broomsticks Inn. The Hogsmeade was covered in snow eversince but not as cold as the winter season right now.

Once she went to the Inn, she stood on the side of the Inn's door first before she went in. Because she's going to wait Gusion first before she going inside. It's almost lunch time and she still waiting for Gusion as many costumers went inside of The Three Broomsticks. Lesley was now shivered in cold. Soon, a breeze came towards her then she felt pleasant with it. Lesley's stroke of hair was pulled off, made her gasped then she felt that someone played her hair. Lesley laughed merrily as her blue hair clip pulled off and floating in the air. Lesley realized who's that.

"Gusion, stop that. Haha" Lesley laughed then Gusion took off his Invisibilty Cloak with a smile. Gusion wore a white shirt with green jacket for his top and black pants and black sneakers for his bottom. His brown hair was covered with gel on it. He wrapped in with his Slytherin scarf on his neck.

"Hey Lesley.", Gusion laughed too. "Sorry I'm late for few minutes."

"It's okay. I'm glad you came. You brought your cloak though." Lesley still laughing when Gusion put back her blue hair clip on her.

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