Chapter 52: Sickness

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One moment at the dark chamber, Gusion Paxley was sitting on the ground and feeling so much stress. He was stressing about seeking out help to rescue him, his voice was almost hoarse for calling someone for several hours every day. He needed some rest first before continuing what he did. He promised himself that he would not give up.

"Hang in there, Lesmione..." Gusion cried out hoarsely as he stared at the light above him. "I will get rescued soon... I won't give up calling for help..."

The tears from his eyes began to leak and he released the pain he got deep inside.

"I will not give up my love to you, so hold on..."

After he said that, he suddenly noticed something on the wall in front of him. He noticed that there was a small crack attached to it and a drop of green liquid was passed by the crack. He had no idea what that was so he decided to come closer to the crack. He examined it as the green liquid was leaking down from the crack. He used his right index finger to touch the liquid and his finger burnt after he touched it. He screamed in pain so he removed his finger swiftly, he noticed his index finger reddened and it bubbled. Then the green liquid leaked a little faster than earlier and it touched the ground. In that case, Gusion widened his eyes and began to huff like he was in a panic, for he believed that the green liquid he saw from the crack was poison. He continued breathing heavily as he noticed too there was a little crack appearing on the upper left corner. He went back to the area where he was and he began to shout for help to the light. He didn't care about his hoarse voice, he needed to rescue him as soon as possible. Before the poison, green liquid invades the chamber and he is going to die from the poison. There was also a green liquid coming from the new crack but it didn't leak yet.

"HELP, PLEASE! SOMEBODY RESCUE ME IMMEDIATELY!!!" Gusion yelled out, releasing all of the loudness of his voice.



Gusion's voice became even more hoarse than earlier, but he didn't give up. He cleared his throat and he began to yell.



After the disastrous moment at the Entrance Hall, Gusion was finally taken down to the Hospital Wing. He was lying down on the hospital bed, sleeping peacefully, while Guinevere just standing in front of him. She was still worried about what happened to her fiancé as Gusion's body temperature has remained. Luckily, they finally got here immediately because the headmistress Professor Alice just walked through the hallway and saw Guinevere desperately calling for help. She asked her what happened and Guinevere told her about Gusion's collapse and sickness. In that case, she assisted Guinevere to take him down to the Hospital Wing as fast as possible.

"Mmm..." Gusion mumbled as he woke up in half, his eyes were narrowed since he was also half sleeping. "What happened..."

Guinevere heard him mumble and she looked at him, desperately. She placed her hands against his since his hands were in his stomach.

"You collapsed, darling," She informed him. "You collapsed at the time I arrived in the hallway."

Gusion was just shocked by what she said as he wanted to get up from the bed. He was forced to get up even though he felt sick to do it, but Guinevere let him lie down and rest. She caressed his shoulder for comfort.

"What's going on?" He asked. "Why do I feel like this?"

"You're ill," Guinevere sighed as she placed her one hand into his hands. "I don't know why. You just suddenly became ill when you collapsed."

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