Chapter 4: He Called Me a Mudblood

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The charms class had long tables on two ends of the room. Gusion sat in the first row at the right table, along with his female Slytherin friend, Hanabi Scarlet. His other friends attended in other classes. Professor Diggie was on his chair preparing for discussion so he got his wand. "Ms. Vance and Mr. Chanter please have a seat. We'll be learning new charms."

There were only two vacant seats from each side table. Granger sat in the second row at the left side table and Lesley in the first row, which was beside Gusion because that was the only vacant seat. Lots of students who attended the charms class including Lesley, Gusion, Hanabi, Guinevere from Ravenclaw were all sitting at the right side table while Granger, Moskov Wildsand, Kagura Soryu from Ravenclaw, Kimmy Splat and Vale Winds from Hufflepuff all sat at the left side table. Diggie started the new charms lesson for them. Everyone was wondering why there's a gold cup on the tables infront of each student.

"Okay, witches and wizards" Diggie said. "We're gonna learn a new charms lesson". Everyone in the class payed attention to him. Diggie took a gold cup from his table and showed it to them." As you all are wondering of why there's a gold cup infront you, we need those because we're gonna learn to do a Water-Making Spell. It is a charm that conjured a jet of clean, drinkable water from the tip of your wand. It's better to learn this in any case.", he informed the students.

"To learn this charm, you have to say the spell. Before that, wands off first.", he dictated to them. "Say 'Aguamenti'."
"Aguamenti", everyone said.

"Very good. Now, let me do the demo of the charm", Diggie said as he handled his gold cup and his wand. He waved his wand infront of the cup. "Aguamenti", he said as the point of his wand created water and poured into the cup. He showed it to everyone and they were amazed. "Now it's your turn to do the charm. Grab your cup and your wand, then wave your wand infront of the cup and say the enchantment, understand?"

"Yes, Proffessor.", everyone replied and started with the enchantment. Some of the students got to pour water into their cups while some struggled with the enchantment to produce water. It's either they pronounced the spell incorrectly or there's a problem with their wand.

"Aguamenti!", Lesley dictated as the tip of her wand summoned water and poured into her cup. Gusion watched her then he waved his wand harder. "Aguamenti!", he tried louder. Then he got a cup full of water just like Lesley. Gusion smirked after he did the spell. "Aguamenti!", Guinevere said with an accent then she got it correctly.

While at the left table, everyone already got it correct including Granger, except for Kimmy who was still struggling to summon water. "Aguamenti! Aguamenti!", she dictated over and over again but nothing happened. Diggie saw her and went to her.

"Ms. Splat, don't struggle with the spell or you'll be at risk.", he warned, but Kimmy didn't listen. She waved her wand harder "AGUAMENTI!", she yelled then water splashed into her cup. Everyone saw it and was shook, including Diggie. As a result, her cup was full but she got wet on her seat. "Um.. Very good, Ms. Splat. 5 points from Hufflepuff and all three houses for doing it right", Diggie said as Kimmy smiled. "Nice job, Kimmy." Kagura said to her.

"Now, since we are finished, let's proceed.", he said and everyone was all ears. Several minutes later, the Charms class was over and everyone was now ready to leave. Lesley left the side table and she went to Diggie. "Sir", she said "Um.. When is the O.W.L. test?". "Um I'm afraid I don't know, Ms. Vance.", Diggie replied as he fixed his things on the table. "It's only Proffessor Alice who knows about the schedule.", he added then Lesley gestured him a thank you. Suddenly, when Gusion was preparing to leave as well, he bumped into Hanabi who was beside him and he accidently dropped some of his books and his wand on the floor since his hands were full.

Lesley saw it and even though she's suspicious about him, she still went over to help him pick up his things. "Let me help you Paxley.", she said and picked up some books, but Gusion was a bit furious. He picked up his wand and kept it in his robe. "Here are your books." Lesley said as she handed his books over to him, but Gusion got irritated.

"Who in this bloody world told you to help me pick up my books?", he said furiously. "I'm just helping you.", she replied.

"I didn't need help from you, Filthy Little Mudblood!"

Granger heard what Paxley said. Lesley gave Gusion a frown as she placed his books on the table. Diggie was shocked of what he heard from Gusion then he went over to them. "What's going on?", he asked. "Nothing, sir. I shouldn't have helped you at all!", she faced Gusion furiously then got her bag and walked out offended. "Les, wait!", Granger shouted and gave an angry look at Paxley and followed Lesley. Guinevere and Hanabi both got a malicious and prideful look after what happened, then they comforted Paxley.

"Sweetie, let her go. Atleast she won't bother you anymore~", Guinevere comforted him as she stroke his hair. "I got your things, my friend. Let's go for the next class.", Hanabi said as she put his books in his bag properly. Gusion still looked mad, but he got broken hearted since he insulted Lesley a while ago. He really didn't want to do that to her but he needed to.

"I didn't know Ms. Vance was a muggle-born.", Diggie whispered to himself.

Meanwhile, Granger found Lesley standing in the corner with tears in her eyes. "Lesley..", he walked over and said with a soft voice then Lesley turned her head. "Oh, it's you, Granger.", she said with her shaking voice. "I can't believe that Paxley called you-" "Yes, a Mudblood.. He called me a Mudblood!", she said in a shakey voice. Granger was still standing behind her. "I'm sorry, but what is a mudblood?", he asked.

Lesley faced him and she tried hard to explain the meaning. "A Mudblood, or a Dirty blood is a foul term for who is a muggle-born.", she said. "The witch or wizard who's came from non-magical parents. Like me! My real parents are muggles". Granger tried to comfort her since he didn't like seeing his bestfriend like that. "Then why is your last name Vance?", he asked as he carressed her back.

"Because Harley's pureblood family adopted me after my muggle father got murdered by a death eater and my mother died after giving birth to me. I was always welcomed by the Vance household since my father and Harley's father were friends.", she sighed. "I wish I told you this since Year one because everyone thought that I was pureblood, but I'm not. Luckily, you are Halfblood.", her eyes still had tears in them. One tear rolled down her cheek, almost sobbing for being insulted.

Granger smiled and he comforted her. He accepted his bestfriend's real blood status. "I accept you for being a muggle-born, Les. You know those Paxleys have high standards with blood status along with the Baroque Family. I think Paxley and Baroque has a fixed marriage to sustain their purity.", he said then Lesley looked at him. "Don't worry. Even if you are a muggle-born, you still belong here, it's still your second home. Show them that you can do what purebloods and halfbloods can do. Stay strong, Lesley. "I'm always here for you.", Granger said.

Lesley smiled and wiped her tears from her eyes. Then they proceeded to the next class. She and Granger had to go to different classes, so they planned to meet later at lunch.

"See you later at The Great Hall, Granger. Also, thank you.", Lesley said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, see you, and you're welcome.", Granger replied.

Then the two went to their classes. Lesley went to Herbology class while Granger went to History of Magic.

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Stay tuned for the next chapter ^^

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