Chapter 7: Several Weeks Later

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Several weeks passed after the first day in Hogwarts. Granger, Lesley and Harley decided to visit Franco at his hut since it's their rest day. The three went outside the Hogwarts door, which many of the students were roaming around inside and out and all of them were not in uniforms, including the three. Lesley was wearing her blue sweater and black pants while Granger was in a black shirt and pants same with Harley but with a purple jacket. Finally, the best friends passed their Dittany Potion essays to Professor Gord weeks ago.

They stopped for a bit. Lesley, as well as Harley who had their letters for their parents, got their pet owls, Kalie and Peppy, and let them fly. "Kalie, please give that letter that I wrote to mom okay?" she said.

"You too, Peppy," Harley informed then the two owls flew away from Hogwarts. Right now, they saw their owls flying in the far distance and they continued walking. 

While walking through the garden, Granger noticed his bestfriend frowning and looking stressed. "Hey Lesley, why do you look like that?" he asked. "Ugh I'm just stressing about the tasks we made. Like you know, essays, studies, and much more. I'm glad it's rest day."

"Hey, stop stressing so much. Just take it one by one." Granger said. "Honestly Granger, you don't understand my situation. I don't want to be delayed okay?" Lesley said with a frown then she saw Gusion in the distance, wearing his gray shirt and purple scarf, sitting down on the bench with Guinevere and Hanabi alone, both wearing elegant skirts. "Plus, that Paxley adds to my stress." she said as they passed through. They saw Franco's hut in front of them.

"By the way Granger, have you noticed that Lunox appeared so suddenly? I noticed her since first day. She attended all subjects in one day."

"That's impossible. Some subjects have the same time. She can't attend two classes at once."

"We will find out soon on how she did that."

Once they headed to the hut, Lesley knocked on the door three times. "I'm coming!" someone said inside the hut then the door opened. "Oh it's you three! Come in!" Franco said and his pet dog Fang stood beside him. Lesley, Granger and Harley went inside the hut and sat down on the couch. Franco was preparing tea and cookies for them. Fang went to the couch and he sat down.

"So how's your day Lesley?" Franco said as he poured tea into a cup. Lesley took a deep breath, "Oh it's fine Franco. It's a lot of cramming, mostly." she said then Franco put their tea on the table and served cookies.

"She's always a bit stressed since the first day." Granger said as he took his tea and bit his cookie. "Ho ho don't stress too much Lesley. Here have some tea and cookies." Lesley took a sip of her tea to make herself calm down. Fang went near the couch and lied down beside the table. "I always tell her that, Franco." Granger said as Franco took his tea and cookies. Then suddenly,

"Paxley called her a Mudblood!" Harley spit out.

"Harley!" Lesley scolded.

Franco shook and he looked at her. "Is that true? When?"

"Yes. On the first day when me and Granger attended the Charms class." she said, biting her cookie. Franco thought of something. "So you're a Muggle-born?"

"Yes I am." Lesley cried. "I know many of you mistook me for a Pureblood because of my surname." she felt a bit down, feeling insecure about her blood status. "You don't know why." "I want to know Lesley. I'm here to listen." Franco said then Harley told everything about Lesley's past life. Lesley's eye teared up as Granger comforted her. Harley really knew what happened to her.

"Oh I see Vance. But look at you, smart, brave, determined and you know what is right. You know  really about Gusion's family, don't you huh? They just have high standards of being a Pureblood." Franco said and comforted her. Lesley smiled a bit.

"Yeah I know. But I remember Gord likes my Dittany Potion essay homework. I don't want to be feeling down, Franco." she smiled. "It's just a blood status." "All of us are magical Lesley." Franco said with a smile then he took a bunch of cookies from the plate. The three shook when that happened.

"I remember Professor Gord gave me a mean look when he got my essay" Granger said with a laugh. "For having such bad handwriting."

"Then improve your handwriting, idiot." Lesley cried.

"I remember that I had been expelled at Hogwarts when I was Year three." Franco said. "But Estes trusted me for being a key keeper of school."

"You're a Half blood right?" Harley asked.

"Half Breed, Harls." Franco replied.

"Why, have you been expelled before?" Granger asked.

"Because I was framed by You-know-who when he was still in that school for opening the Chamber of Secrets." he sipped from his tea and took a deep breath. "Then attacking and killing Muggle-born students."

Lesley gasped and she felt anxious about that. Her heart beat faster than ever. Franco noticed her. "Oh I'm sorry Lesley. Don't worry, it's a long time ago. I was not a monster so they declared I'm innocent."

"I know something about the Chamber of Secrets," Lesley said. "But what happened to it?"

"Oh, the Chamber is closed by You-know-who." he replied. "And that's all."

After having a conversation and snack with Franco, Lesley noticed the sunset. They need to go back to Hogwarts before it gets dark. The three went outside the hut and said good bye to him. The sunset was seen at the Hogwarts Lake.

"Anyway Lesley, we have a Care of Magical Creatures lesson tomorrow. Please attend."

"What creature are we gonna discuss about?"

"Oh, it's a secret. You will know tomorrow," Franco winked and they waved each other a good bye.

When they reached the entrance area of Hogwarts, Harley saw that Gusion was still there on the bench. Guinevere gave him a good bye kiss and she left with Hanabi by her side, leaving Gusion all by himself.. Harley felt very unpleasant and he went close to him, preparing to get his wand from his pocket.

"Harley, no!" Lesley shouted but by then, it was too late. Harley walked rudely towards Gusion.

"YOU! HOW DARE YOU CALL MY SISTER A MUDBLOOD ON THE FIRST DAY!" Harley yelled as he raised his wand towards Gusion's face. Gusion freaked out but Harley was so furious about the Paxley guy.

"Harley stop. It's just a waste of time." Lesley said and Gusion gave him a malignant smile. He put down Harley's wand by his right hand then he bumped him backward with his arm. "Are you concerned about it, Vance?~ You don't want to be hurt huh?~ He's younger but terrible.~" 
Lesley felt butterflies in her tummy again but she spoke up. "You assuming, huh?" then Lesley punched Gusion's face for the second time. Gusion hurt his nose so bad and looked scared and annoyed.

"MY FAMILY WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" Gusion yelled then ran away inside, looking scared. Lesley took a deep breath and massaged her hand.

"Well, that was an epic move." Granger said.

"Coward Paxley. Come on. Let's go," Lesley said and they went inside Hogwarts. Everything was now getting dark as they went inside.

Words total: 1250 words
Stay tuned for the upcoming chapter. I'm kinda busy with school rn.

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