Chapter 46: Unforseen Announcement

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It's been a while since the day Lesley celebrated her birthday. It was a great moment for her to celebrate with her friends and her housemates with gifts. It doesn't matter to her if her birthday is simple as ever, as long as there was an effort poured into it. Lesley slowly obliviate herself with 'him' on her mind and some parts of her heart because he was fully loved by his fiancé. She spent her Valentine's Day last time with her brother and her two friends at school after her birthday. Lesley already started to read the book that the three gave to her by collaboration on that day. She was fully loved by them and the other Gryffindor members and she appreciated it.

Today, Lesley is taking her History of Magic class as the last subject for today's school hours. The other fifth-years were there too. They were taking down notes in their parchment papers including her. Professor Pharsa was writing something to the blackboard about their discussion, her mood seems to be that she was a little rushed right now.

"Fifth-Years", Professor Pharsa called. "Are you all paying attention?"

"Yes, Professor." The fifth-years responded.

"Good," Pharsa said as she continued writing the blackboard. "Take note that you have to write this on your notes since this is a piece of relevant information. Glad that this was not included in the first part of your O.W.L.s last time. Maybe on your N.E.W.T.s for your final year."

In that case, Granger Chanter groaned softly when these two exams were mentioned. He was sitting on the left side and he was in front of Lesley since she was behind him. Lesley's seatmate was her Ravenclaw friend Lunox Harmony. Granger's seatmate was a Hufflepuff Vale Winds. Their tables were located in the middle of the classroom. Their lesson in this class was about the Werewolf Code of Conduct. Lesley seems familiar with this topic because she did some scanning of her book about this last week.

"Werewolf Code of Conduct." Pharsa dictated as she finished writing some notes on the blackboard. "This topic was developed in 1637 by the Wizards' Council. They set rules outlining the responsibilities of werewolves like preventing any possible attacks by locking themselves up securely every month."

Pharsa sighed as she continued the discussion for the topic for today. While discussing, Lesley looked at the notes she wrote as she tapped the quill between her two fingers. She continued writing when Pharsa said something relevant in detail from the topic. On the other hand, Granger groaned because he obviously hates studying. Lesley noticed him then she poked his head with her quill. Granger turned his back to look at her with a frown since he knew that Lesley would be upset if he would be lazy in his studies. He didn't mind if she would call him potato wizard since that is hee nickname for him. Lesley smirked and Granger shrugged and went to his business. Lunox asked her if she had ink on her bottle because she was running out of ink. Lesley just gave her ink bottle to her then Lunox refilled a bit on her bottle. Lunox gestured a thank you to her.

"Unsurprisingly," Pharsa said as she walked to the right side of the blackboard. "The Werewolf Code of Conduct was ultimately a failure, seeing as no one showed up to sign it. Do you know why?"

The classroom went into the silent piece until Lesley raised her hand. Pharsa gestured to her.

"Because, no one was prepared to admit to being a werewolf due to the great stigma among the wizarding society, professor," Lesley answered fiercely.

"Good answer Ms. Vance. It seems that you studied in advance." Pharsa declared. "5 points for Gryffindor."

The Gryffindor members smiled as well as Lesley when they gained house points. The members from other houses have groaned and they hoped that they could reach as many house points as possible before the end of the term. The class is still ongoing. Back to the discussion, Pharsa reported as she stood in front and held her wand that the werewolves had been shuffled between the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures' Beast and Being departments for years since no one could decide whether they should be classed as human or bestial. The fifth-years responded with the 'ooo' sound of disbelief. Granger had no idea about this topic. On the other hand, Lesley wrote what Pharsa dictated since she was pretty good at dictation.

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