Chapter 19: You're like the Stars

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"So... why did you call for me here?" Lesley inquired, watching him pet his owl, "That's your owl, huh?"

"Yes, Vance. This is my pet owl. His name is Dave, and he's the one who brought you my letter," Gusion answered. Lesley diverted her gaze to the sky, with all the stars shining. Silence was the only thing you could hear. Gusion stared at Lesley for a few seconds before turning his head to the nightsky. He inhaled a deep breath.

"I just want to talk to you."

That caught her attention, "About what?" Lesley turned her body to face him, "I-is it true, Paxley? T-that you love me?"

"Yes. It's true, Lesley," that was the first time he called her by her first name.

"B-but Paxley, how—"

"It's Gusion. Call me Gusion, please," he looked at her, and Lesley couldn't decipher the look in his eyes, it almost looks like it's pleading.

"Gusion," his name softly rolling off her lips, "I just don't understand. You always act like a brat and you treat me very harshly. Especially with my real blood status, just because you belong to the highest Pureblood family. So why? Why do you love me?"

"You caught my attention," he admitted, "During the sorting ceremony. Everything about you; your hair, your eyes, the way you walk, everything. I just couldn't take my eyes off you. Heck, I really hoped that we would be sorted in the same house, until the Sorting Hat placed you in Gryffindor, while I'm stuck at Slytherin. I only treated you badly because I was jealous. Jealous of Chanter always getting close to you that I didn't even had any chance to talk to you. The first time I called you a Mudblood, it broke me. I just couldn't believe the fact that I'm attracted to you let alone in love with you. At first I pushed you away because I'm under the Blood Purity and I'm engaged to Guinevere. Now... I realized that pushing you away made me fall even harder in love with you. All of my harshly attitude toward you was just to counter my feelings for you."

Hearing those words, Lesley felt a thousand butterflies that fluttered in her stomach. Her breathing became heavier and her heart pulsed faster.

"H-how did you know my real blood status, that I am a Muggle-born?" she diverted the topic.

"When you bumped into me outside the Great Hall in our first term, Guinevere told me in a whisper," Gusion said. Lesley had no idea at all how Guinevere knew about her family. "I felt so bad hearing about it, but I didn't care, I already fell in too deep. You're the reason my heart keeps on beating. I'm so in love with you, from the beginning up until now, and it only gets stronger in time. I'm sorry Lesley. I'm sorry for the way I treated you. But now, I can't ignore my feelings anymore."

Speechless after hearing Gusion's confession, Lesley looked down to her feet. She's already forgiven him, long ago.

"I'm in love with you too," She said shyly.
"The first time I saw you, I knew that I couldn't escape. But then, the way you treated made me hide my feelings for a bit. I also remember the first time we held hands in our D.A.D.A class. I couldn't look away from your eyes, that moment I was already infatuated with you. I realized that I was, and still in love with you, Gusion."

"Really?" Gusion grinned. They stared longingly at each other, before shying away and looking down at their feet. "I-I can't believe it."

Lesley just nodded.

"The only problem is that my family doesn't like Muggle-borns, and I'm already engaged to a Pureblood," he noted sadly.

"I hate Blood Purity!" he said in frustration that he slammed his fists against the terrace. Lesley looked at him in concern.

"Can you tell me about them? Your family? B-but if you don't want to it's okay," she asked cautiously.

He took a few deep breaths before starting.

"My family, the Paxleys, is one of the most powerful and prestigious Pureblood family in the Wizarding World," he explained.

"I am the fourth son in our clan, and it's strictly implemented that we only interact with Purebloods and Half-Bloods. We are banned to interact with Muggle-borns or else they'll take our wands and destroy it, and we'll never get another one for being a traitor."

"Oh that's horrible," Lesley's hands flew to her mouth in shock.

"My three elder brothers, all of them graduated in Hogwarts and after a while got married. Two of my brothers married a Pureblood and one married a Half-blood. But I know that they didn't do it for love, it was a fixed marriage. They don't know anything about love at all," his voice was laced with sadness and pity.

"What about your fixed marriage with the Baroque?" Lesley asked.

"That marriage?" Gusion responded. "It has been planned from the start. My father wanted to set me up with Guinevere because their family is the most genetic Purebloods. I wanted to refuse this but they threatened to take my rights and they'll treat me as a traitor. But I'm sick of it, Lesley. I want to be free. I want to love whom I want to love."

Lesley felt bad asking about his family. Gusion just stared at the view of the stars shining in the sky. Somehow looking at it made him feel at peace, momentarily forgetting about his situation. If only he had the chance to be free.

"How did you know about my fixed marriage?" Gusion asked, looking at Lesley.

"The three of us — Granger, Harley, and I — overheard it. We saw both of your families talking about the fixed marriage in front of you ang Guinevere," Lesley answered honestly. Gusion just sighed and continued to look at the sky.

"You know what Lesley? You're like the stars that shine and twinkle in the night sky. Even at sunrise when I can't see them, I know they're there, continuing to glow. Just like you."

Lesley smiled and blushed like a tomato. Gusion reached out and intertwined their hands, making Lesley look up and stare at his eyes.

"What will happen to us? You're still engaged and I'm sure Guinevere's not going to be happy when she finds out about this. You're family's going to kill you, and I don't know how Granger and Harley would react when they find out about this," Lesley asked in worry.

"Don't worry about it. I'll fight whoever stands against us. We'll get through this, you and I," Gusion hugged Lesley and kissed her forehead softly, bathing in each other's warmth and forever remembering this moment.

Words total: 1141 words (kinda short lol)

Sorry for the late update but yeeet they finally admitted each other. ≥﹏≤

Thank you for your patience UwU. The book is not yet dead don't worry

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