Chapter 24: Winter Solstice is Coming

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After the day of D.A.D.A and the Potions quiz happened, Lesley and Gusion continued hanging out each other secretly and got to know each other really well. They're now officially secret lovers. Guinevere didn't know what was going on with her fiancé and she got very suspicious every time Gusion was not in her line of vision. They sneak out almost everytime after class and hang out in mostly in the library without Granger, Lunox, and Harley's knowledge. Gusion would always cover Lesley with his invisibility cloak whenever he spots his fi​an​cée coming near. Everytime there would be an upcoming quiz, he would turn down her invitation to study together just so he could study with Lesley. Guinevere can't help but tell all of this to Hanabi, who also agreed since Gusion was apparently not hanging out with their group of friends that much anymore. Deep down, their gut feeling tells them that Gusion is secretly dating a certain Mudblood witch.

On the other hand, Lesley knew that she can't tell Granger and Harley that she's dating Gusion because he came from the Highest Pureblood family and everybody knows that they are banned from dating Muggle-Borns. She's also not sure if she should tell this to Lunox.

Previously during Potions Class, Professor Gord distributed the results of their Potions Quiz, and half of the class failed. Guinevere was disappointed that she got one mistake, she wanted all her quizzes to be perfect and not a single mistake. Lesley got two mistakes on her quiz, thinking that it was alright because she passed anyway. Granger almost failed the quiz with a score of 19 out of 30 and with a passing of 15 points. To everyone's surprise, Gusion got a perfect score and was applauded by Professor Gord. Guinevere smirked in delight, and thought that Gusion and her would become the smartest couple when they get married. Little did she know it was because of Lesley that inspired him to do well in class. Gusion would often raise his hand and recite in class, and it was all thanks to his Lesley. But Guinevere obviously didn't know anything about this, so she thought she was the reason Gusion did well in class, the "smartest witch" of them all.


It's already the first day of December in Hogwarts, and winter season was turned on full blast. Everyone's dining at the Great Hall, which was decorated with massive Christmas trees from floor to ceiling on every side. The ceiling showcased the night sky with faux snow falling down. There were also floating candles in the air which lit the giant room. All the witches and wizards from every house filled the table and enjoyed dinner with friends. Lesley's eating her favorite roasted lamb, and across her sat Granger eating a slice of chicken.

"I can't believe it's almost Winter Solstice," Lesley gushed after she took a bite, "It means Christmas is coming!"

"I know, time really flies faster than the Golden Snitch," Granger replied as he chewed his chicken, "We can visit Hogsmeade if the Professors allow."


Lesley sneaked a glance at Gusion sitting at the Slytherin table, eating his steak and corn. He was laughing with his friends and didn't even notice the little crumbs at the corner of his mouth, which made Lesley smile. Gusion saw her and smiled at her back. It wasn't his bratty and evil smile anymore, he smiled at her with adoration, it was cute and very sweet, one that made Lesley blush. Granger looked at Lesley, and immediately Gusion looked away from her.

"Why are you smiling Les?" Granger asked, looking confused.

"Oh it's nothing," Lesley lied, playing with onion soup with her spoon. "I just remembered a dish I ate awhile ago. By the way, have you noticed that Professor Roger is not here every night?"

"Yeah, I noticed that. Wierd huh?"

Lesley nodded in agreement and continued eating while Granger still wondered why Lesley was smiling. He stared at her face that flushed red, then shook his head and took a bite of his chicken. Lesley can't tell a truth to him that she and Gusion became lovers secretly. Yet they didn't have an official date but it would come. Gusion's smile was still stuck on her mind. While everyone was enjoying the feast, Professor Estes stood up from the table and went to the speech. Estes cleared his own throat first.

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