Chapter 12: The Day of the Match

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"So, how was the Quidditch tryout?" Freya sat on her bed and poured warm milk into her mug by summoning it with her wand. Her cat, Angel, settled herself in the center of the room.

Lesley was lying down on her bed, appearing to be in deep thought. They were resting in their room

"We weren't able to practice-" Lesley played with her wand-" and it's all because of that arrogant Slytherin Seeker. He took away our one hour tryout. It's so unfair," she grumbled. Angel went to Lesley and she stroked Angel behind the ears when the cat rubbed against her feet.

Freya called Angel to come to her. Her cat immediately left her spot under beside Lesley to hop on Freya's bed. Freya took her furry friend and placed her cat on her lap drawing out a loud purr from her furry friend.

"I see," Freya said, finishing her milk "I have a bad feeling about those Slytherins." She set her mug on her bedside table. "Well anyway, I have to sleep now. Goodnight Les." As she nestled herself beneath the covers, she felt Angel going to the foot of her bad. Her cat had decided to curl up beside her feet.

Lesley looked up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. She was playing with her wand when her pet owl, Kalie, cooed and bounced around in her cage. The poor bird seemed restless too.

"Hey Kalie, do you want to get out of the cage?" she asked sweetly. Kalie let out an excited hoot in response.

Lesley pointed her wand at the cage's lock and said a simple unlocking spell.


Kalie flew out of the cage. She flew around the room seeming to relish the chance to spread out her wings. After a while, she perched herself on Lesley's bedpost.

"Make sure to stay quiet while you're out of your cage, okay? I have to get some sleep if I want to play any good tomorrow so, goodnight," Lesley said facing Kalie. Lesley put her wand in her desk's drawer and snuggled into her bed. She turned and tossed around for a few moments before falling asleep to Kalie's soft, rhythmic hooting.

The next day was the day of the Inter-house Quidditch match. Gryffindor was battling against Slytherin. Spectator stands surrounded the Quidditch pitch, each one filled to the brim. Professor Estes, Professor Alice, and the rest of the teachers were seated at a special area for the teachers. Everyone was cheering. And, of course, the Slytherin and Gryffindor houses were cheering louder than anyone else.

Lunox was in the bleachers, cheering with Selena who was seated beside her. She couldn't wait for the game to start so she could see her Gryffindor bestfriend.

The Slytherin and Gryffindor teams were in their respective locker rooms, preparing for the match.

In the Gryffindor's room, Granger was watching Lesley prepare. She was putting on her Quidditch apparatus.

"Still nervous about the match, Lesley?" Granger asked.

"Yeah, but I can do this." Lesley sighed, taking her broomstick, "We weren't able to practice yesterday but I know the Seeker's routine." She turned to her teammates and waited for them to finish preparing.

Masha and Alucard were cleaning their brooms and some others putting on their attire and gear. Meanwhile, Silvanna was taking several glances at the field, seeing the cheering audience. Worry flashed across her face. She looked at her teammates and hoped that they'd be able to play good enough to defeat the Slytherins.

Lesley heard something over in the Slytherin room. She gestured to Granger to come and join her. They went out of their locker room and sneaked up to the Slytherin's door. Making sure they wouldn't be seen, they take a peek inside. Zilong and most of the players were ready for the match, gathered on one side of the room. Meanwhile, on the other end, Guinevere is helping Gusion wear his full attire and gear. Hanabi was standing in front of them, her arms folded

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