Chapter 13: Lesley v.s. Gusion

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Gryffindor v.s. Slytherin

Once the Quaffle rose in the air, Silvanna and Zilong started to race to it. Flying side by side, they both tried to hit each other's broom to reach the Quaffle first.

Meanwhile, way up above them, Lesley flew over the field, squinting about for some sign of the Golden Snitch. She saw her team playing well, the crowd getting louder from their cheers. Granger was watching from the bleachers, seeing his best friend play.

"Waiting for the Golden Snitch, Vance?" Gusion flew to Lesley's height, but making sure to leave some distance between them. "Well you won't get it because I trained more than you!"

"Let's see about that," Lesley shrugged then continued to look out for the Snitch. Gusion just gave her a mean smile and did the same, too.

On the field, Silvanna has captured the Quaffle in her hand. The whole Gryffindor house focused on her. She was almost at the Slytherin goalpost when Natalia, a Chaser from the other team, hit her and snatched the Quaffle. Silvanna was almost thrown off her broom, watching Natalia fly towards the Gryffindor goalpost. Fanny, Gryffindor's Keeper, tried to catch the Quaffle but because Natalia threw hard, it went straight through the hoop.

The Slytherins roared in applause, leaving the Gryffindors dissapointed. Gusion catched Lesley's eye and gave her a smirk while the latter just threw him a disgusted look.

"Slytherin leads with 10 points," Ruby Orchid, a 4th year from Gryffindor, announced into the microphone. The score board changed to 10 - 1.

"What a weak chaser!" Natalia yelled in spite.

"Come on Gryffindor, you can do it!" Granger shouted from his seat.

Fanny threw the Quaffle back to the players. The Quaffle landed near Silvanna, which she caught immediately. She shouted at Alucard to assist her in defending it from Slytherin.

On the Slytherin side, Zilong told Irithel to snatch the Quaffle from them. Both Gryffindor Chasers immediately knew their plan and tipped the broom to fly faster. Zilong yelled at Irithel to fly faster and the latter immediately followed.

"Gryffindor in possession," Ruby was saying. "Uh-oh Chasers Irithel and Zilong are catching up behind them."

Irithel is now just a meter away from Silvanna and Alucard. She attempted to snatch the Quaffle from Silvanna, who saw her and hit her before flying faster. Alucard sailed to Irithel and thrusted his broom towards her, guarding the Quaffle from her reach. The latter slammed unto Alucard, making him fall off his broom and to the ground.

"Oohh," the Slytherins winced.

"Looks like Slytherin will beat Gryffindor again." Ruby announced.

Zilong thought of something and quickly put himself in place once Silvanna was near the goalposts. When Silvanna was about to shoot the Quaffle, he knocked himself unto her, making it look like an accident. Silvanna was thrown to the ground, just like her fellow Chaser.

"Oohh," the Slytherins winced again.

Zilong, with the Quaffle now in his hand, dashed and threw it through one of the hoops, scoring 10 points for the team. The Slytherin house whooped in victory.

"And Slytherin leads with 20 points!" Ruby broadcasted. "If Gryffindor can't catch up to Slytherin with the points, the only thing to do now is to catch the snitch!"

Professor Alice was watching beside Ruby and the other professors. She felt a bit disappointed with the Gryffindor team but she erased that doubt from her mind and believed that they can do it.

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