Chapter 15: Feeling Well

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The next day at Hogwarts, Granger and the rest of the students were in the Great Hall. All the professors were in their tables too. Instead of eating, they were studying and practicing some spells so everyone got the books on the table. Granger was busy playing his cards from a chocolate frog while his book about Herbology was opened. The others got their quills with their hands. At the Slytherin table, all of them were busy studying except Gusion Paxley. He was still looking at the Gryffindor table where Lesley sat on. He looked at Guinevere at the Ravenclaw table, focusing with her book about spells and she was holding her wand. After that, he took a big sigh. Suddenly, someone in his table was saying the spells over and over.

"Eye of Rabbit, harp string rum, turn this water into rum." a Slytherin student Irithel dictated the spell to make a water into rum. She pointed her wand over and over in front of her cup but nothing happened. Gusion watched her, wondering what she's doing.

"What she doing, Ling?" Gusion asked Ling Finch, who was sitting in front of him.

"Turning water into rum. Most of the first years mastered this spell," Ling answered.

"Eye of Rabbit, harp string rum, turn this water into ru-"

A sudden explosion came from Irithel's wand. Hanabi Scarlet, who was sitting beside Gusion, got surprised by the explosion. All the Slytherin students laughed at her. Irithel's face got covered by ashes. Not only Slytherin students can see the explosion, but also the other houses. Guinevere glared at the Slytherin table for a while then she saw Irithel. She shook her head and continued studying the spell. Guinevere had a pet cat beside her, which was named Waffles. However at the Gryffindor table, Granger looked at what happened to Irithel while he was still holding his cards of a chocolate frog, he remembered his best friend, Lesley. He hoped that she was okay after what happened to Quidditch. Lesley's owl Kalie land into Granger's Herbology book.

"Hey, Kalie," Granger said sweetly then Kalie hooting in response. "Your owner is still in the Hospital Wing. I hope she's okay." he sighed. He gestured Lesley's pet to move along so he took his book to study.

Suddenly, a witch stood in the door smiling towards the Great Hall. She walked briskly towards the Gryffindor table. Kalie saw her and she hooted in excitement, her wings fluttering. Granger wondered why and he turned around. He smiled.

"Granger, I'm back!"


Granger immediately stood off the table and he hugged his best friend. Lesley hugged him back. Her blue hair clip was attached to her hair right now. Silvanna saw them two and she approached all students in the Gryffindor table that their Seeker is feeling well. Professor Alice however, saw that Lesley was now standing in the Great Hall and she approached Professor Estes and smiled.

"You're... Okay, that's great! You're feeling well now. By the way, I brought your books here in the Great Hall just in case you're here, and Lunox fixed your broom by a repairing spell," Granger said happily.

"Oh, thank you and of course. I just got feeling well when I woke up in the Hospital Wing. I informed Madam Rafaela to check me if I'm okay and she responded yes. Because of that, she let me leave and change my uniform." Lesley responded.

"I'm so glad that you're back!" Silvanna interrupted when she stood from the table.

Thanks, Sil!"

"BIG SIS!" Harley yelled as he ran towards his sister and hugged her.

"Hey, Harley! Your sister is okay now. But you have to go back to your Hufflepuff table because I have to study."

"Okay, sis." Harley smiled to his sister and went back to the Hufflepuff table. He told Nana about how his sister was already feeling well.

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