Chapter 23: Another Day of D.A.D.A

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"Okay witches and wizards," Professor Roger said to his students. They're now in D.A.D.A Class after their previous classes where they attended and it happened again in the Room of Requirement just like the last meeting. Lesley and the others were formed in three rows while Roger was speaking. "We're going to continue our D.A.D.A activity that we will have to master. They are Counter Jinxes and Counter Curses and Defensive Charms. But for your age, I will do a single jinx and curse only."

When Roger informed those to the students, Guinevere felt very excited as everyone in the Room of Requirement remained in a row. Roger began to discuss about the last three activities they're going to master in D.A.D.A.

"Okay," Roger said, "I'm going to discuss about the Counter Jinx first. That spell is a type of counter spell that ends the effect of Jinx. We know that the Jinx is a type of a Dark Charm and a minor type of dark magic, so this is the counter of it. It's kinda different from the Anti-Jinx Spell." After Roger discussed, he turned his head from his students and raised his wand with his right hand and let out one origami duck under a Jinx.

"Watch me carefully," Roger informed them then he cast a counter spell to the origami duck. Now the origami duck had no Jinx anymore. Everyone was impressed and gave him an applause. They thought this activity was a piece of cake and Roger looked at them once.

"Oh you think it's easy, let's see then," Roger dictated, which everyone made a confused expression to. Roger raised his both arms and he let out a bunch of random objects floating in the air. Lesley Vance gasped as she moved backward and she accidentally bumped into Gusion Paxley behind her. Without anyone noticing including Guinevere, she and Gusion looked at each other panicky and they looked away immediately, blushing. Gusion slowly held Lesley's right arm, which made her blush.

"Don't worry, you can do it." Gusion whispered to her. Lesley looked at him and she nodded as Gusion smiled. She turned back her head and took a deep breath, Lesley was always nervous in Defense Against the Dark Arts classes yet Gusion supported her secretly.

"Okay, let the Counter Jinx activity begin. I'll cast one random Jinx into these random objects. Prepare your wands," Roger commanded as everyone prepared their own wands. Lesley grabbed her wand, shivering but she trusted herself. Roger laid down all of random objects onto the floor.

"Ducklifors." Roger dictated to the random objects then they all turned into a bunch of ducks. Roger let the ducks running and all of them quacking. Everyone was moving, panicked when the ducks spread throughout the Room of Requirement, quacking. They didn't know what to do. Lesley ran towards the left side of the room, same goes to Gusion yet towards the right side.

"Don't panic and focus the Counter-Jinx, everyone." Roger informed. Lunox Harmony, starring several ducks in front of her, pointed her wand and cast the Counter-Jinx. Now the ducks turned back into random objects. Lunox sighed in relief as Roger saw her and smiled. "Great job Ms. Harmony," he said, which made her grin.

"Don't worry guys, they're harmless although it's hard to catch up." Roger informed. Guinevere Baroque did some jumping and twirling steps then she pointed her wands at the ducks surrounding her and she cast the counter spell. The ducks turned back into random objects just like Lunox's. "Such a piece of cake," she said loudly.  
However, Lesley and Granger struggled to target the ducks, with both of them chasing three ducks seperately, Lesley on the right while Granger on the left. Lesley followed the ducks and tried to target them, yet failed. She suddenly bumped into Gusion who successfully did the Counter-Jinx. Lesley looked at him after she bumped him and Gusion gave her a smirk.

"Need help?" Gusion asked sweetly which Lesley shook her head and didn't reply to. She immediately did the Counter-Jinx to the ducks. Lesley sighed in relief and went back to Granger, still struggling with the Counter-Jinx while Gusion looked at her, having a smile plastered on his face. "I know you can do it," he encouraged.

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