"I really didn't believe that you were," Carter said.

Shoulders and arms bumped against her but she only offered the same kindness in return, weaving her way through the pedestrian thick thoroughfare.

"I am. You want proof: Link," Mason said.

"You're related by blood, that doesn't count."

"I'm related by blood to my father and I don't like him."

"That's because you have daddy issues."

"I do not!"

Carter grinned at Mason's blatant offense. "Face it Mason, you seek attention from others and have commitment problems, that screams daddy issues."

"I don't have commitment problems, therefore I can't have daddy issues."

A drunk stumbled into Carter, but she shoved him away and waved off the rank breath he'd blown into her face.

"Why haven't you asked Yvette to marry you then?" she asked.

A long stretch of silence filled Carter's ear even as the city around her pulsed with noise. Her target cut away from the crowd and hurried down a side street, Carter broke into a jog, pausing at the corner to peer around the edge. The crowd thinned on the street and the man stood out amongst the revelers. After a beat, Carter continued down the street.

"If you must know why I haven't asked her to marry me," Mason said. "It's because I have the strangest feeling that it's possible she might say no."

"Ah, Mason admits to an insecurity, miracles do happen!"

"I know that, you're still married."

"Ha. Ha. Just ask her, you idiot. Before she realizes that she could throw a rock out a window and hit any guy that is better than you."

"You're vote of confidence is truly inspiring. It amazes me Donovan hasn't woken up to the fact that you're a terrible person."

"Miracles, Mason, miracles."

What Mason might have replied with Carter didn't now, for at that moment, her target ducked into an alley and she lost sight of him. Sprinting forward, she approached the alley in time to see the man meeting a group of five hard-faced men.

"Carter, what's going on?" Mason asked, all business.

"I'm not sure," she whispered.

Crouching low, Carter silently slid along the wall, straining to hear what was happening. Not daring to get too close, she took cover behind a dumpster, the smell of mold and rot wrinkling her nose. The men's voice rose as an argument broke out.

Before Carter could even understand what had gone wrong, the men were at each other's throats, some welding guns and trying to threaten the others into backing down. In the dim alley, the chaos resembled a blur of dark figures charging each other.

As Carter decided to enter the fray and put an end to it, the impossible happened. Right in front of the group of guys, a slim hooded figure of a girl appeared out of thin air.

Carter froze, not believing her eyes. The girl spun around as if not realizing what she'd walked into. Carter shook her head, 'walk' didn't even describe what this girl had done, 'materialized' worked better.

"Carter, tell me what's happening?" Mason asked.

Carter opened her mouth, but no words came out. A first for her. She tried to make a sound, but still nothing came to her. As she watched, the girl darted towards the closest man. When she said something, he twisted towards her, but she vanished, only to reappear behind him. The man turned, gun raised. Adrenaline kicked Carter out of her daze and she sprinted forward, needing to stop the man.

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