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"Shit. Luke help me get Zara into the car. Michael grab her bag from upstairs, it's in our room on her side of the bed. Calum grab the keys," Ashton instructed everyone.

Luke and Ashton lifted me out of my seat and helped me to the car. They put me in the backseat and sat next to me on both sides. Calum climbed into the drivers seat and Michael sat in the passenger seat after throwing my bag in the trunk. Calum rushed to the hospital as fast as possible.

"You okay Z?" Calum asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Y- SHIT!"

"It's just the contractions. Breathe," Ashton said.

I nodded and took deep breathes. After 20 minutes, we were at the hospital.

"MY WIFE IS HAVING TWO BABIES!" Ashton yelled as we entered.

"Ashton calm down!" I whisper-yelled.


"MICHAEL!" I scolded.

A nurse quickly came and rushed me to a room. After 17 hours of labor, I finally had the twins.

"They're perfect," Ashton smiled softly.

He was sat in the chair next to my bed holding Callie and I had Dylan. There was a soft knock at the door, followed by our best friends tip-toeing into the hospital room.

"Hey," Luke whispered.

"Hey guys," I smiled tiredly. "Meet Dylan and Callie."

They walked over to us with smiles plastered on their faces.

"Oh wow. He looks just like you, Ash," Michael gasped quietly as he looked at Dylan.

Both of them looked like Ash more than me. They had the same nose and lips as Ashton, but had my eyes.

"C-can I hold him?" Luke asked shyly.

I nodded and carefully handed Dylan over to him.

"Wow. He's so small."

"Yeah, Luke. Because babies are supposed to be small," Calum said.

Luke shot him a glare, but his face softened once his eyes trailed to me.

"You look so tired, bub," Luke commented.

"I'm exhausted," I yawned.

"Maybe we should leave then?" Michael suggested, handing Callie back to Ashton.

"No. Calum hasn't held either of the babies yet," I protested.

Luke carefully handed Dylan to Calum. In all my years of being best friends with Calum, I had never really seen him cry. But there he was, holding his little nephew and letting a small tear escape from his eye. I smiled tiredly and watched as Ashton and Calum carefully put the babies in their beds.

"We should get going so you can rest," Luke said.

They each gave me a hug before leaving.

"That went surprisingly well," Ashton chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought Luke was gonna drop one of the babies," he laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked at the two sleeping twins.

"I cannot believe they're finally here," I murmured.

"I know. It's crazy to think we're parents now," Ashton said.

I nodded in agreement.

"You get some rest, babe. I'll go out and get us food," Ashton instructed as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

I felt my heavy eyes finally droop shut.

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