I don't approve

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(A/N this chapter is about arzaylea, so if you dislike her as much as I do i'm sorry. Also if u stan her pls exit my page.)

A year later, Ashton and I were still going strong. Ash was now 22, and I was finally 20. Today was Luke's birthday. Usually on his birthday, the five of us would just hang out and watch movies. But this year Luke's girlfriend decided she wanted to throw a huge party for him.

"I can't stand her. Why do we have to go to this stupid party?" I groaned as I put in my left earring.

"Because Luke cares about her. So as much as we don't like her, we have to be there for Luke," Ashton explained.

I rolled my eyes as I slipped on my heels. I looked in the mirror and took one last look at my outfit. I was wearing a black dress that went to my knees, and matching black heels. My hair was straightened and I wore small diamond earrings that Ashton had gotten me for our two year anniversary.

"You look beautiful," Ashton smiled as he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

We walked out to the car and drove to Arzaylea's house. When we got to the house, we immediatley smelled alcohol.

"Ugh, it smells awful," i groaned.

Ashton took my hand and dragged me inside. Once we were in, we immediatley talked to Michael, Crystal (Mikey's girlfriend), and Calum. After about an hour, we finally found Luke and Arz. Despite how much I disliked her, we were still nice to eachother.

"Happy birthday, Luke," I smiled as I pulled him in for a hug.

"Thanks, Z," he replied.

I smiled at Arzaylea and waved.

"Thank you guys for coming," she said.

"No problem," Ashton lied.

It was a problem. I knew all about her plan. She only used Luke for his money and fame. I wanted to give her the benifit of the doubt, but there was no way I could.

"Here, you guys want some drinks?" Luke asked.

"We aren't leagal here, Lu," I reminded him.

He shrugged and took a sip from whatever he was about to hand me. My eyebrows furrowed and I sighed. Another thing was that Luke was around Arz's friends a lot, and they weren't the best influences.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air," I said before turning and pushing my way through the crowd.

I walked outside and sat on the front step. I felt someone sit next to me. When I turned I locked eyes with Luke. I looked away quickly, because I knew if he got a good enough glance he would be able to tell that I was upset.

"I know something's wrong," he murmured.


"Nothings wrong."

"Zara, we have been best friends since we were 8 years old. I can tell when something is bothering you. What's up?"

I sighed before saying, "If I tell you, you'll hate me."

"I could never hate you, Z."

"Fine. I don't like Arzaylea," I blurted.


"I don't like her, Luke. She isn't good for you. I've tried to keep it to myself but I can't anymore. I don't want her to hurt you," I explained.

He stared at me angrily.

"Leave," he growled in a low voice.


"I said leave, Zara. Now."

Growing UpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora