I love you

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It's been about a year and a half since Ashton and I had our first kiss. Believe it or not, it took him two months to ask me out officially after that. Now it's July 7, 2015.

"Michael I swear to GOD if you push me," Luke warned him from the chair that he was standing on.

"I won't push you. If I did it would mess up Ashton's 'happy birthday' banner and Zara would have me beheaded or something," Michael explained.

"Well I'm sorry I want my boyfriend's birthday to be perfect," I snipped.

beep beep!

message from cal :P : almost home

"Shit, they're almost here," I groaned. "Lucas I swear to God if you don't hurry up-"

"Done," he announced, stepping off his chair with a satisfied smile.

The three of us stepped back and examined the room. it was decorated in streamers, confetti, and many 'happy birthday' signs. The biggest one was hanging on the wall by our dining room table and it said "Happy Birthday Ashton!".

"I just heard a car door," Michael gasped, flicking the lights off quickly.

We all hid until Ashton walked in.

"Where are-"

"SURPRISE!" We yelled, jumping out from our hiding spots as Ashton turned the lights on.

A shocked smile spread across his face as his eyes roamed around the room.

"Wow," he breathed, "t-thank you guys."

I smiled at him as he pulled me in for a kiss - earning some groans from the other guys.

"Happy birthday, Ash," I smiled.

He was about to kiss me again, but a roll of streamers hit him in the head.

"Get a room," Michael laughed.

"Gladly," Ashton smirked.

"No," I laughed, shaking my head. "We have to eat your birthday cake or it's gonna melt."

"You got me an icE CREAM CAKE?!" he yelled.

"...Yes?" Luke said.

He ran over to the smaller cake and sat patiently infront of it.

"Ashton you are 21 years old, you can put the candles on by yourself," Calum laughed.

"No, no. That's not how this works," Ashton said. "Someone else has to."

Michael rolled his eyes before walking over and setting up Ashton's candles. After we sang happy birthday, Ashton blew out the candles and smiled widely.

"What'd you wish for?" Calum asked.

"Can't tell ya," Ashton shrugged. "Then it won't come true."

Calum rolled his eyes and walked over to the cake.

"Can we eat this now?"

"Yeah, let me cut it for you guys," I said, grabbing plates and a knife.

I put five slices out and put the rest of the cake in the freezer so that it wouldn't completely melt. At that point, the boys had traveled into the livingroom and Ashton started opening presents. I brought all the cake (haha calum and luke... sorry-) in to them and passed each piece out as we watched Ash open his gifts.

"Thanks for the interesting gift, Michael," Ashton laughed.

"What did he get you?"

He showed me and I almost choked on my cake.

"Michael Gordon Clifford!" I shrieked, slapping his arm.

"What? We can't have any little Irwin-Walker babies running around, can we?" he chuckled. (A/N: I hope you guys get that otherwise you are t o o y o u n g. then again I'll probably have to explain this to my best friend who reads this. ANYWAY.)

I rolled my eyes at him and continued to watch Ash open his presents.

"Oooh this one's from Zara," he said.

He opened it and instantly smiled.

"You kept all this stuff?" he asked with a grin.

I nodded.

"What is it?" Luke asked, peeking over Ashton's shoulder.

"It's a box full of stuff from our dates. Ticket stubs from the movies, shells from the beach, stuff like that," I explained.

Ashton pulled me over to him and kissed me on the cheek.

"I love it. And I love you."

My eyes widened at his last three words.

"What?" I choked out.

"I love you, Zara."

"I-I love you too, Ashton."

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