#1 Uncle

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"We've been trying for a month, you have to be pregnant by now," Ashton whined.

"We have to wait for the tests. Be patient."

We sat on the bathroom floor until the timer on Ashton's phone went off. We both gave each other a look before grabbing the tests. Tears filled my eyes as I looked up at Ashton. A grin spread across his face.

"We're having a baby," I breathed.

He jumped to his feet and pulled me up into a tight hug.

"WE'RE HAVING A BABY!" Ashton repeated.

He held the sides of my head with both of his hands as he peppered kisses all over my face.

Beep beep!

message from cal ;) : are we still having family game night at your place?

We started a tradition after Ashton and I moved out where every Friday night we would go to someone's house and have a "family game night". We played a bunch of different games, ate a shit ton of pizza, and sometimes got so drunk we would end up just staying the night. However there would be no drinking for me that night for obvious reasons.

"I have an idea," I grinned.

About four hours later, the boys all showed up to our house.

"Everyone in the living room," I instructed.

They all gave me confused looks, but still sat on the couch.

"We have presents for you," I said, handing each of them a box.

They all tore into their gifts immediately.

Luke held up his t-shirt and read what it said.

"Number one uncle?"

Calum was the first one to get it. His eyes widened and he scooped me up into a hug. Michael was next, he carefully hugged me. Luke was still confused, so I just told him.

"I'm pregnant ya idiot," I said with a giggle.

His jaw dropped and he let out a small gasp before wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Little Lucas is on his way," he grinned.

"Little Lucas," I repeated with a giggle.

I gave Crystal, Harper, and Sierra hugs.

"I'm so happy for you," Crystal smiled.

"Thank you, Crys."

"What if you have twins? Or triplets? Or qua-"

"Shut up, Luke," Michael said, cutting Luke off.

He frowned at Michael and jutted his bottom lip out.

"Michael's being mean to me," he pouted.

"Mikey, apologize," I said sternly.

"Sorry Luke."

"It's like you're already taking care of four kids," Harper said with a laugh.

"Four!?" Ashton repeated.

"It's more like three," I said, earning a relieved sigh from Ashton. "Calum is pretty well behaved."

"Wait what?" Ashton stuttered.

We all laughed at Ashtons reaction.

-four months later-

As soon as I got home from work, I grabbed my laptop and sat at the kitchen table. Since Ashton left for tour a couple months ago, I skyped him whenever possible. It's been about two weeks since we last skyped, so I was very excited. I fixed my hair before clicking on Ashton's icon. After it rang for a couple seconds, my smiley husband greeted me.

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