Ice Cream

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It had been two weeks since the guys left for the 1D tour. I had heard from them here and there, but not too much. Which I understood. They were busy. I sat alone on our big couch, wishing that I had those four idiots with me. My phone buzzed and I glanced at it.

message from harper <3: im tired of u moping around the house bc u miss the boys so im bringing u ice cream and hugs be prepared.

I sighed to myself and got off the couch. Other than the guys, Harper was on of my best friends. She's there for me no matter what. And knowing her, even if i didn't want her to come over she would anyway.

message to harper <3: kk. see u soon.

I walked up to my room and changed into a clean sports bra and a pair of leggings. After that, I walked into Ashton's room and grabbed one of the few hoodies he didn't take with him and slipped it on. I brushed through my - very tangled - purple hair and pulled it up into a ponytail.

"I'm here ya sad bitch," Harper yelled as she walked through the front door. "I have movies, sode, ice cream, popcorn, chips, and I have an overnight bag."

I walked down the stairs and saw her already grabbing two spoons.

"Oh hun, you look so tired," she gasped, puting the ice cream down.

She pulled me into a hug and I cried.

"I miss them so much," I whimpered.

"I know, Z. I know."

"I just want them back. I wish they never left. God, I sound so selfish."

"You don't sound selfish at all. You miss them. They're your best friends," she comforted me.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. Ashton's scent still clung to the sweatshirt, and that only made me cry more.

beep beep!

I checked my phone and saw that Michael had texted me.

message from mikey :P : hey z! i know we havent talked in a while, but i just wanted to say we all rlly miss u. we've been very busy, but once we can skype i promise u we will. call me in a couple mins if u can pls! love u loser <3.

I smiled at my phone.

"Is it one of the guys?" Harper asked.

"Yeah, Michael."

"You feeling better?" she asked.

"Yeah. Go set up the movies and stuff, I'm gonna call him," I instructed.

She nodded and I clicked the 'call' button by Michael's name.


"Hey Mikey," I smiled into the phone.

"Hey Zara! My God, I sure missed your voice."

"Same here," I agreed.

"We all really miss you, ya know. Especially Ashton. He won't stop talking ab- OW!"

"Michael what just happened?" I worried.

"Ashton threw one of his drumsticks at me," he whined.

"Put me on speaker."

"Okay. You're on speaker."

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin, what did I say about hitting Mikey with your drumsticks?" I scolded him.

"Sorry, Z. He deserved it," Ashton laughed.

"Okay, you're off speaker because Ash is being an ASS," Michael yelled.

"IS THAT ZARA?!" a voice yelled in the background.

Before Michael could answer, I could hear someone snatch the phone out of his hand.


"Jesus, Lucas. Watch your volume. I'm gonna be deaf by the end of this phone call," I giggled.

"Sorry. I really miss you."

"I miss you too. Look, I have to go because Harper is here. But tell the other guys I love and miss them, okay?"

"Will do. Love you, Z."

"Love you too, Lulu."

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