Our family

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It had been about four months since Ashton and I got married. We were sitting around the house when I felt the urge to throw up. I threw the blanket from around me and sprinted to the bathroom before puking my guts out.

"Uh, baby? You okay?" Ashton asked from outside the bathroom door.

"N-no," I whimpered.

He opened the door and sat down next to me, holding my hair back for me. He rubbed my back with his free hand.

"I don't feel good," I groaned as I flushed the toilet.

He stared at me for a couple seconds before his gaze drifted to the cabinet next to me.

"Couldn't this just be your period?" He asked.

My eyebrows furrowed as I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"I'm a week late," I mumbled.

Worry filled his eyes. We had discussed this prior, and decided to wait at least a year before having kids since Ash was going to continue touring soon.

"What if you're-" he cut himself off and took a deep breath.

"I don't know," I whispered.

I picked up my phone and quickly dialed.

"Hey, Crys. Can you do me a favor?" I said into the phone.

"Of course! Whatcha need?" Crystal asked from the other line.

"C-can you come to our place? And pick up a pregnancy test on the way?" I choked out.

"A test? Um yeah."

20 minutes later, Crystal was at our door with a plastic bag in her hand.

"I bought like seven," she said, handing me the bag. "I'll give you guys some privacy."

I took them into the bathroom and took all seven of them.

"I'm terrified," I said with a shaky breath. "What if they're positive?"

"Then we'll love her and take care of her together," Ashton said, taking my hand in his. "I know we didn't want to have a baby for a while, but if this happens then we'll still love her no matter what."

I smiled at him with tears filling my eyes. I grabbed two of the tests and turned them over.

"Negative. Both of them."

We turned over the rest and they all were negative. I sighed with relief before i felt the urge to throw up again. I did that a couple more times before Ashton got seriously worried.

"I'm sure I'm fine," I said.

"This is the sixth time you've thrown up in the past two hours," he worried.

"Maybe it's just food poisoning."

Thankfully, it was just food poisoning. But the next two weeks after that, Ashton would constantly bring up our future kids. How many we would have, what their names would be (even though i was set on Dylan Lucas Irwin), and what their rooms would look like.

We were sitting in our living room when I decided to bring up a question that i had been constantly thinking about.

"Do you want to start trying for a baby now?" I asked, causing Ashton to choke on his water.

"What?" he questioned as he wiped the water from his lips.

"Well if we started now, your tour would be over by the time the baby was born. It takes nine months to actually birth the baby and you only have to tour for seven," I pointed out.

He chewed on his bottom lip for a few seconds before looking back up at me.

"Yeah. Let's have a baby."

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