Wanna Play Fifa?

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The next day, Michael and I were in the middle of a very intense match of FIFA when the doorbell rang.

"Cal go get it," I instructed, not taking my eyes from the game.

He groaned, but dragged himself out of his seat and to the door.

"Guys, he's here," he called into my living room.

I heard him open the door and talk to someone, but i still didn't look away from the screen until I finally beat Michael.

"HA! IN YOUR FACE CLIFFORD!" I boasted happily, causing Michael to angrily throw his controller. 

I was about to do my amazing victory dance, when I turned and saw that Ashton was here. 

"Uh, hi," he smiled nervously.

"Hi," I waved back. "Sorry about that, things can get a bit competative around here."

"It's fine," he assured me with a small smile.

Luke frowned at our interaction. I shot him a look and he introduced himself. Luke has always been very overprotective of me when it comes to guys, so I didn't expect him the treat this Ashton guy any different. Once Michael said hello, I invited Ashton to play FIFA with us.

"I'm okay," he declined.

"You sure?" Cal asked him.

The boy in the purple shirt nodded and followed me into the livingroom. Ashton and I talked for three hours until the boys were finally done playing video games. I learned that Ashton had a single parent just like me, and he has two younger siblings. I learned a lot more and he learned a lot about me, but it was too much to explain. By the end of the night, we had definitely bonded. 

"So are we gonna play or are you two gonna continue flirting?" Luke frowned.

I flushed red and Ashton did the same, getting up and walking over to his spot.

"Luke, you need to chill," I warned him.

"Sorry. it's just- you know how protective I am."

"I know."

"Aye, Hemmings. C'mon man," Calum groaned.

They were all finally sat in their spots and they all played teenage dirtbag togther.

"That was amazing," I smiled as they finished.

They all beamed proudly. As I looked at the four boys in front of me, I knew that this would definitely go somewhere. 

A couple years later, the band was still going strong. It's 2013 now, so the entire band has been together for almost three years. We all dropped out of school (except for Ash, who had already graduated) so that the boys could focus on their music career. They released She Looks So Perfect on February 21st, and it blew up. But even after all their succsess, we all decided to move in together. 


"I'm coming, mum," he joked, hopping down each step.

Ever since we moved in together, I've taken care of almost all the responsibilities, with Ashton helping out here and there. That's why they call me mum and they call Ashton dad.

"Calum, did you wash the dishes?" I asked, poking my head into the livingroom.

"Just let me finish up this verse and I'll wash 'em," he said, stressing over the new song they were writing.

I walked over to him and looked at the sheet.

"How about 'you're telling me how you love that song about living on a prayer'?" I suggested.

He wrote it down, and after it he wrote 'I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there'.

"Zara, you're a genius!" he said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Eww, Calum cooties," I laughed.

We both walked into the kitchen to see Ashton washing the dishes.

"Ash, mate, I was gonna do that," Calum frowned.

"Don't worry, man. I got it," Ashton assured him.

"But Zara said if I washed the dishes I could have ice cream," he whined.

"Calum you are 18 years old, you don't need permission to eat ice cream," Ash laughed.

"But she was gonna pay for it."

I rolled my eyes and sat on one of the bar stools at the counter.

"GUYS!" Luke's voice echoed through the house.

"What? What is it?" Michael asked, appearing from his room.


We all screamed and celebrated together.

"You guys are gonna be even more famous! I told you!" I smiled, giving them each a hug. 

Luke suddenly frowned at his phone.

"What?" Calum asked, obviously noticing Luke was upset.

"We leave tomorrow. And we can't bring Zara," he whimpered.

I felt my eyes fill with tears. I tried to blink them back, but it just didn't work. They fell freely down my cheeks.

"T-that's okay. I'll be okay," I lied.

"Maybe we shouldn't go," Michael said in a low voice.

"Guys, seriously. I'll be okay. I don't want you to miss out on something this big because of me," I told them.

They all nodded at me.

"Now go pack," I urged them.

i watched as they ran upstairs to go pack for the days that would change their lives.

The next morning as we ate breakfast, we were all silent. They knew that this would be a big help for their career, but they didn't want to leave me. We all finished our breakfast and I walked them to their car. I intisted they went to the airport without me, so that it would be easier to say goodbye.

"I love all of you guys so much," I whispered as they all engulfed me in a group hug.

"We love you too," Luke said.

"Don't break another drumstick over michael's head, okay?" i laughed as I hugged Ashton.

"Tell michael to not make me that mad again."

"Don't play too many video games," I told Micheal.

"I'll try not to."

"Cal, please for the love of God. Don't show everyone your ass," I pleaded with a smile on my face.

"No promises," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Finally, I got to Luke. I stood in front of him in silence until he wrapped him arms around me. I pulled away, but instead of letting go completely, I put each of my hands on the sides of his face.

"Lulu, please don't forget me," I whispered, wiping one of his tears away.


He pulled me in for one last hug before getting in the car and leaving.

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