The Ties That Bind

Start from the beginning

"What's going on with you two?" Bonnie asks.

"We kissed. Now it's weird. Have a great trip," Damon leaves. Bonnie looks surprised at Elena. Elena is lost for words.

Forbes Residence...

Caroline enters. She finds Tyler sitting in her living room. He stands when she sees him, "What are you doing here?" Caroline asks.

"I came to apologize," Tyler says.

"Apologize?! You bit me. I could've died. I think we're way past apologies, Tyler."

"That's the problem. Klaus told me to do it and I said no. And then...just happened anyway. Like, it was completely out of my control. That's why I had your mom call him."

Bill Forbes walks into the room, "Daddy?"

"Hi, Caroline," Bill greets.

"I thought, since he can resist compulsion, maybe he could teach me to resist the sire bound," Tyler says.

"Can you help him?" Caroline asks.

"I'm gonna try," Bill says.


"Because he made a mistake and now he wants to make good. And I understand that."

Salvatore Boarding House...

Stefan enters. Klaus is sitting in a chair, drinking alcohol. Music is blaring. Stefan turns the music down, "What are you doing here, Klaus?" Stefan asks.

"Enjoying our stalemate," Klaus says.

"What do you want?"

"The question is what you want? My hybrids left town as you demanded, Blair hates me, so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back."

"Well, see...Klaus...I'm not negotiating."

"And you understand, that holding them indefinitely is the same thing as dropping them in the ocean?"

"No, No. You leave Mystic Falls and then give me call in a few years and we'll talk."

"I can give you another chance. Just one more. Let's make a reasonable deal."

"Or what? You make one move and I will drop..."

Klaus laugh, "Yes, right. Crazy Stefan. How is that working out for you? Any friends left?"

Bonnie's Car...

Elena, Bonnie and I are driving to moms, "I just can't believe that I'm actually going to see her. Or meet her. Sort of. Since I don't really remember her. Blair do you remember her?" Bonnie says excited.

"No," I say. "After this do you think you could buy me a milkshake."

They stay silent, "You don't really talk about her," Elena finally says.

"What's to say? She left, never wrote, never called. Not even when my Grams died," Bonnie says.

"Yeah that's why I can't understand why you have to do this," I say.

"I had a dream Blair and this is just right. Could we talk about you and Damon instead?"

"I'm not talking about it especially while she's in the care," Elena says.

"Like I give a fuck what you and Damon got going on. Did you guys finally kiss for this time because honestly the sexual tension is so annoying," I say.

"How do you know we kissed."

"I knew you guys were going to kiss way before you had sex with Stefan," They don't say anything. "I know stuff remember."

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