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Mystic Falls...

Matt and Elena are jogging together through a neighborhood, "What are we running, a marathon?" Matt asks jokingly.

"If you can't keep up," Elena smiles as she keeps running but a little slower for Matt to catch up.

"Elena, you can't outrun your problems," Matt breaks to a walk while Elena continues running. "Though it looks like you're gonna try. I talked to Bonnie!"

Elena stops running and turns to face Matt, "What did she say?" She asks with a sad face.

"They're at her mom's house. Abby is gonna complete the transition."

"She decided to become a vampire?"

"Yeah. Apparently Blair convinced her. She said she wanted her mom and Abby gave in. Caroline's gonna help her through it. Teach her to control it and stuff."

"Did Bonnie say-is there anything I can do?"

"She knows it's not your fault, Elena, she's just upset. She has her sister by her side... Well so often because she hates Caroline. She is fine."

"Damon turned her mom into a vampire to save my life. It's absolutely my fault."

"You're gonna make me run more, aren't you?" Matt asks bending over out of breath. Elena's phone rings, "Who is it?"

"Sheriff Forbes, is everything okay? He what?"

Bennett residence...

I sat on the edge of my bed. Replaying my encounter with Elijah. I was overreacting wasn't I? I mean if I just told him to go in the first place he probably would have stayed. If I just told Klaus how I felt he wouldn't be after Caroline. I can't hate her for getting him. Its my fault for letting him go. Just like everyone else. Tyler leaving me was all my fault. I was worried about a guy who I knew cared more for Elena than me. If I had just left with Sebastian when he asked I probably will be with him right now. Studying school and writing a novel. I just wonder why Klaus can have whatever he wants but takes Sebastian from me. The only happiness I had. He even tried to take my families lives just for a spell. Yet I can't help but to love him. Love him just as much as I love Elijah.

I heard a knock and I look up and see my dad standing at the doorway, "Hey," He says with a grin on his face. I put a quick smile on my face and nod. "Going to see Bonnie today?"

I shook my head, "I think I might get a milkshake and go by Sebastian grave," I say sadly.

"You miss him a lot today don't you?" He has no idea.

"I do."

Dad comes and sits next to me on my bed, "It gets better. I promise. Its just hard right now."

I tear up and quickly get up, "I should go."

Before he could get a word out I left. I don't ever want anyone to see me weak. If I feel a cry coming I will leave.

Mystic Grill...

Carol and Rebekah are sitting at a table together, talking, "Thank you for meeting with me, Mayor. I figured as head of the Preservation Society, you'd be a good person to ask about the oldest trees in this community," Rebekah says with a smile.

"A long line of Lockwood women use to keep those records, back before any of them had actual jobs," Carol says with a smirk holding up the records.

"I've been to the Founders' archive, but I can't seem to find any record of the tree I'm looking for."

"It probably got cut down. Big old trees built half of this town in the 1900s."

Stefan and Damon enter the Grill and head toward the bar, "Oh, She-Devil at nine o'clock," Damon says looking at Rebekah from across the room.

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