The Murder of One

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Caroline and Elena are walking through the woods, "Alaric Saltzman killed my father?" Caroline says.

"I can't expect you to be okay with this. But at least these herbs that Bonnie's giving him, they're healing him and they're keeping the dark side buried," Elena says.

"Yeah, and that's supposed to make everything okay?"

Elena grabs Caroline's arm and Caroline faces her. Caroline is teary eyed, "No, Caroline, it's not okay. It's horrible and I feel horrible about it, but he's a victim of something supernatural, he didn't ask for this, it just happened to him. Just like Bonnie's mom, I mean, she didn't ask to become a vampire. And neither did Stefan or Tyler."

"Or me."

"Or you. None of you asked for this, but who would I be if I just turned my back on any of you?"

Caroline moves to Elena's side and wraps her arm around her shoulders. They start to walk off, "Oh, Elena Gilbert, savior of the cursed and the damned."

Matt appears, "Hey. What's with the cryptic secret meeting text?" Matt asks.

"I don't know. Stefan just said to meet here," Elena says.

Stefan and Damon show up, "Where's Bonnie?" Stefan asks. Caroline and Elena turn around. "I texted her too."

"Um, Bonnie's mom bailed on her. Again. So, I think we should leave her out of this one. Blair actually is here if we need her while Bonnie gets it together. Well at least that's what Bonnie has said," Caroline informs them.

"We don't need her she's in love with the enemies," Damon rolls his eyes.

"What are we doing here?" Matt asks.

"We found some more white oak. Long story, wait for the movie."

"Hang on. White oak? You have a weapon that can kill Klaus?" Elena asks.

"Of course Klaus. Who else is Blair in love with."

"Is it a weapon to kill him or not?"

"Nope. It's multiple. We all have a weapon," Stefan throws down a duffel bag with white oak stakes in it.

"How do you not know Blair knows we have these."

"We don't know. But Caroline told us that she's been having trouble with her powers and only sees certain things."


Finn is walking down the street when Klaus approaches him. They walk together, "Hello Finn," Klaus smirks.

"Hello Niklaus. I have nothing to say to you," Finn says trying to walk ahead of him.

Klaus walks faster, "Well, I'm not here to chat. I will ask you one time though, where's our mother?"

"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again."

"Well, how fortunate that Blair found you for us, I require your assistance."

"I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead. I don't even know why she keeps continuing to help you after what you guys do to her."

"She's in love with Rebekah or something I don't know but I know it's not for long though. Anyways this is the thing; you see you won't be able to see me dead, because if I die, then you die. So, wish unfulfilled, I'm afraid."

"Oh, bother someone else with your hollowed charms, Niklaus."

"Why? Why not come bother my big brother? I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls, I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together."

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